Serge Benhayon on fitness, physical exercise and the gentle breath

Serge Benhayon on fitness, physical exercise and the gentle breath
With a background in multidisciplinary sports and a professional tennis coaching career, fitness and physical exercise have always played a big part in Serge Benhayon’s life. He has always maintained an extremely high level of personal fitness in order to support his physical output as well as for the benefits it brings to one’s wellbeing.
From football, kickboxing, soccer and surfing, to snow and water-skiing – Serge has almost done it all. Aside from his various achievements, one of the hallmarks of Serge’s sporting prowess was – although not entirely free of them, his comparative lack of injuries, and this over a period that spanned 35 years of intense physical exercise. Serge learned and maintained that you had to be fitter than was required to compete and that cross training prepared the body for the unknown. However, these days and as a result of much deeper observations, his understanding and approach towards fitness have substantially evolved.
It is very interesting to read on and find out how someone with an extremely high aerobic and anaerobic fitness level as a professional tennis coach, has further developed his study of fitness, and what that has led him to discover.
As quantified above, Serge has always maintained a high level of physical fitness and exercise as part of his natural rhythm in life. However, over the past 16 years, since his 35th birthday, he has explored his approach to fitness from a place of increased awareness and deeper understanding of the world of energy and its various teachings.
Since 2000 Serge has brought through and widely presented on the Gentle Breath Meditation® as a basis for disengaging life’s intense demands and stresses, thus allowing for a more focussed connection to oneself. Many thousands have benefitted from this form of meditation. But Serge teaches that 'gentleness is only the very basic start' and that there is much more as we deepen our connection inwardly towards what he calls our ‘inner-most’.
Holding himself as a forever student, he has taken his own teachings/principles and made them a natural livingness in his life, which assures him a quality of energy and as a such an energetic quality from which to feel, know and assess life.
Serge teaches that the Gentle Breath Meditation® technique will transform our approach and philosophy towards exercise, offering the simple truth that any exercise or activity that makes it impossible to maintain the natural rhythm of the gentle breath, breathing in and out from the nasal passage, does not support connection with one’s soul.
It is from this truth that he has since developed, through trial and error, his own experience of what he can perform without compromising his connection, or his breath. He discovered that there is another way to work with and to develop one’s physical fitness and strength without compromising the quality of connection.
Serge encourages everybody to explore their fitness and physical exercise program from the teaching that encompasses a quality of connection in life, rather than activity which is void of connection.
Today Serge continues to build and honour his body and its connection by walking daily, practising Esoteric Yoga whilst he works, applying 'True Movement' wherever he can, working out at the gym once a week, and twice when work permits, and occasionally swimming (with gentle breath breathing from the nose, as only taught by his daughter Simone) to name but a few of his physical activities.
Filed under
Gentle breath, Lifestyle, Role models, Vitality, Yoga, Healthy living