Winning the lottery
Ever dreamed of winning the lottery? Seems like a great idea and you’d never have to work again, right!
Taking responsibility at work to a whole new level
Is there more to work than just 'getting the job done'?
Accountability, Conscious presence, Work stress, Appreciation, Career
“I hate my job”: Ten signs to show you are ‘doing time’ at work
Do you hate your job, dream of not having to work or are you counting down the years to retirement? Presented here are the 10 signs that you’re ‘doing time’ at work, and how your road to freedom is an inside job.
Absenteeism, Career, Depression, Mental health, Work life balance, Overwhelm, Burnout
The in-between years: mind the GAP
A fascinating expose of the gap year concept. Do you take time off to ‘find yourself’ or something else entirely?
A day in the life of a flight attendant
Working in the confines of a tin capsule at 38,000 ft. up brings certain challenges! Watch this video to learn how Anna has found the way to manage jetlag, along with many other challenges.
Life or death: is this how we measure responsibility?
The job of an air traffic controller is commonly regarded as one of the most stressful jobs there is. But does this perception really take into account the true definition of responsibility?
Self-care at work makes sense, why is it not common practice?
No one at work ever tells us NOT to take care of ourselves at work, and, we all know that it is needed. Why then is self-care not consistently practiced in workplaces?
Absenteeism, Appreciation, Career, Culture, Leadership, Productivity, Healthy living
Where can you train In Sacred Esoteric Healing?
Sacred Esoteric Healing Training and course information
Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Career, Education, Livingness, Training, Therapies
If we don't enjoy our work ...
This voice excerpt introduces some of the reasons beyond pay and reward related to work, and that the key to enjoying work is being the ‘real-us’ at work.
Corporate Social Responsibility - part 2: How our working world could be
This article considers the ways in which we can ALL play a vital and essential part towards developing a new state of our working world, well-being and humanity’s future.
Career, Lifestyle diseases, Mental health, Work life balance, Well-being
Work is medicine
We often describe the benefits of work as money, or staff perks, but what if work itself was a beneficial part of our well-being?
Burnout, Career, Empowerment, Health, Medicine, Returning to work
Serge Benhayon – a life of detail
Serge Benhayon lives his life with an extraordinary attention to detail and inspires others to live that too.
Why retire? Does it truly serve the individual who retires, and the workforce they leave?
Retirement is a relatively new concept, perhaps 100 to 120 years old.
Retirement, Ageing, Career, Work life balance, Health conditions, Money
The state of our work today
What is the state of our work today? How healthy, and joyful are we at work? What are the issues we face in our workplaces today?
Career, Work stress, Technology, Productivity, Opinion, Money, Corruption, Competition
Sailing around the world... to come home to myself
Rosie grew up on a yacht, sailing around the world, only to find that the home she was truly searching for lay waiting for her, all along...
Education, Healing, Therapies, Universal Medicine, Healthy diet, Self-love, Massage, Career
From worrying about the doing to caring about the being
Too often we focus on getting the job done no matter what the consequences. However, if we were to take time to care for ourselves first, how would everything turn out?
The way you move is vital to getting a new job
Everyone wants to succeed in a job interview; we dress well, perhaps read up about the prospective company, and always arrive on time. But did you know the way you move, not just in the interview but in the days and weeks beforehand, is also a key factor?
Is there such a thing as a job with no stress?
Stress at work has become a normal way of life for almost everyone. In this exposé on work stress we look at why stress is so common at work, and ask is there another way?
Work stress, Work life balance, Time management, Tension, Teamwork, Stress, Shift work, Career, Burnout
Developing self-care as part of health and well-being at work
We regularly see in the media, the HR press that well-being at work matters. This article introduces an aspect that is seldom written about in health and well-being at work - self-care at work.
Health, Absenteeism, Career, Well-being, Burnout, Healthy living
Post holiday depression – is it real?
Returning to work after a fantastic holiday, are you feeling down and moody and desperately looking for the next one? Aha! You could have post holiday depression, but is there more going on here than meets the eye?
Burnout, Career, Exhaustion, Lifestyle, Work life balance, Work stress, Returning to work
Why work? What is work about?
Discussing the purpose of work, from aeons ago, to this modern age. Have we lost a sense of purpose and commitment about work, and more so, have we lost our true love and joy of work?
Self-care: An essential ingredient to a successful career
Kate Gamble, a General Manager in Marketing, shares how self-care is an essential ingredient for being a great manager, ensuring the person you bring to work is vital, engaged and open to connect with people.
Female leaders and the importance of a woman’s importance
Inspired much by female leaders? What’s stopping us – pay gap aside – from realising the importance of a woman’s own importance and her worth in the workplace?
Gender equality, Leadership, Self-worth, Women in leadership, Career, Empowerment
Self-care and managing people: how the two go hand-in-hand
Kate Gamble, a General Manager in Marketing, shares how self-care has supported her to let go of the pressures and expectations to perform, allowing her to build more loving, connected relationships with people at work.
The great difference in a job interview
Read how Steve takes a different approach to conducting interviews that takes out the need to intimidate people.
Livingness, Brotherhood, Career, Competition, Leadership, Returning to work, Self-esteem
The unveiling of the true woman within
Desiree shares her development from complete desolation and disconnection back to the beautiful unfolding reflection of her true tender self.
Abuse, Alcohol, Hardness, Career, Healthy relationships, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Women's health, Relationship problems
There is honour in every job
Exploring the true meaningfulness in work, regardless of the job, and how we choose what to give our attention to at work.
Longing for retirement
Retirement is viewed as a well deserved right by most people. But are we all missing out when we place so much emphasis on reaching retirement and what is the quality of our relationship with work in the meantime?
Studying from a different perspective
Are we missing out on what really matters in our education system?
Work – Do we consider it a burden or a joy?
Many of us have a precarious relationship with work where we want the financial rewards and accolades, but still can’t wait to escape and seek relief in whatever way we can. What are we missing?
Our crumbling health service
We make a lot of noise about short staffing in the health service, which is a fact, but are we missing another crisis that is more detrimental and pervasive?
Loving work til the end
Is retirement actually good for our body? What if work was the best medicine for our body til the end?
Ageing, Career, Death, Elders, Retirement, Work life balance, Work stress