Michael Benhayon – ‘Live the Light’ album review

Michael Benhayon – ‘Live the Light’ album review
Live the Light is another GM Records masterpiece that is forging the way for the future of true music.
It is a collection of recordings that defies and redefines our known concepts of music, showcasing true music to be more than a narrowly defined order of beats and notes. Much more… as the music brought through by Michael Benhayon has its ultimate source in the rhythm of the heart.
Michael Benhayon holds us with his mastery of lyrics and composition of music speaking directly to the heart, playing multiple instruments with precision, ease and grace. And the rich depth of Miranda Benhayon’s voice raises us up to be all that we are, carrying us effortlessly beyond the limits of the mind to soar with the Soul in the glorious song ‘Your Love Inspires Me’, showing us that there is no doubt that ‘Our Love Transcends’ all.
From the first track ‘Ayo’ – calling us back to who we are – to the last ‘Hold my Hand’ – a proclamation of love and vulnerability sung with heartfelt tenderness by Michael Benhayon himself – we are touched as if by the wings of an angel, bringing us to the innate knowing of belonging to something greater.
Live the Light is a compilation of music that uplifts as in the listening we are reminded that ‘we all come from heaven and that heaven is known by us’ in the exquisite song ‘Heaven is Home to You’, yet further inspiring and re-igniting us to come back to the knowing that all we need ever do is ‘Live the Light’ of our Soul.
And as the music continues to flow over and through us ‘A Beautiful Song’ sets us up for a beautiful day. ‘Open Arms’ holds us in the way we all love to be held. And ‘A Beholder’s Truth’ is a powerful song that reminds us to discern and see beyond the veil of lies.
This is heaven sent music that hits a place somewhere deep within each and every one of us, drawing us into the light of the day with a knowing that ‘Every Voice Matters’.
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Music videos, Musicians, Harmony, Energy in music, Emotions, Role models