The divine life of Francis Bacon

The divine life of Francis Bacon

The divine life of Francis Bacon

William Rawley, Bacon’s Chaplin, Secretary/Scribe, Literary Executor and true brother wrote of him that Bacon was ‘the glory of his age and nation’ and that his understanding and intelligence was ‘deep and universal’.[1]

Francis Bacon was born in London in the year 1561. He was a true Article not found – a natural philosopher (i.e. scientist), prolific writer, divinely-impulsed philosopher, as well as being a barrister, a Member of Parliament and holder of high offices of state. In fact, this man of true integrity arose to become one of the most influential men in England. He went to Cambridge, trained in Law (which he said was but an accessory and not his principle study) and was given, amongst many other positions, that of the King’s trusted Solicitor General, then succeeded to being Attorney General and eventually Lord Chancellor (in 1618), the most powerful position of government in the land. He had huge success in public life. It is interesting to note that though Elizabeth I loved and valued Bacon she never gave him the key positions needed for him to do his work – the forces of jealousy were already working through ‘a great statesman then, who laboured by all industrious and secret means to suppress and keep him down; lest if he had risen, he might have obscured his glory’.[Rawley]

In the light of these power positions held by Bacon – being a close and treasured advisor to the ruler of the realm – it is very interesting that it was the Ascended Master Saint Germain (aka Master R.), a high initiate, who incarnated as Francis Bacon in this life. He incarnated with the express purpose of working in the courtly and political arena of Renaissance England in order to earth divine hierarchy in a powerful temporal way, as well as to the benefit of the whole world. Bacon’s whole life was dedicated to working according to and in purpose to the Plan.

He was an immensely grounded and practical man: qualities that are an integral part of true divinity, qualities which are frequently thought as being separated from divinity – this lie propagated by the astral denigration and slur ever cast upon true religion as it being ‘impractical’ and not able to take a real part in the secular ‘practicalities’ of politics, commerce, and the marketplace. Added to this, our true loving relationship to God and to each other has been totally polluted by the consciousness of the myriad false religions which populate the world – so finance and politics and other daily activities are then polluted by the blame, judgement, hatred, shame, and duplicity, to name but a few, that is spawned by such religions.

How did Bacon manage to live in this immensely grounded and practical way within the corrupt and duplicitous high echelons of state? By living to the most precise detail in ritual/protocol, in living ceremoniously, rhythmically, and honouring the cycles. And so being able to hold the platform to be proficient and masterful in the intricacies of being human, whilst at the same time bringing through the Light of hierarchy. It was extraordinary to have a man of such energetic quality influencing matters at the highest level of government. His awareness was such that he knew in great detail the precision of the science of call and response which forms the basis of true intelligence, hence knowing what was needed, and actioning it without an ounce of self-interest. And his love for humanity was outstanding.

Rawley loved Bacon deeply for his ‘divinity’. This attribute was not seen as something preachy, airy-fairy or theological, rather it was expressed through Bacon’s great-heartedness, the divinity of his lived way: at court, at law, at home, at dinner. In other words, you could say Bacon had a magnificent ‘love reading’! The living equality and love he had for all men, no matter what station in life, was legendary. When he was studying law it was recorded that ‘he carried himself with such sweetness, comity [courtesy], and generosity, that he was revered and loved by the Readers and Gentlemen of the House’.[1]

It is on record that in his stately duties he was free from malice, which (as he said) ‘he never bred nor fed’ – he never took revenge over injuries, which he could well have done with impunity because of the opportunity he had to be able to do so, and the protection high office would have afforded him; further he ‘was no heaver of men out of their places’ to delight in their ruin, and he ‘was no defamer of any man to his prince’. It is clear to see the refreshing nature of Bacon’s freedom from creation’s lures and ways. With his work as ‘King’s Counsel Learned’ in charging offenders of the law, he was never insulting, dominating or judgmental, ‘but always tender-hearted, and carrying himself decently towards the parties... but yet as one that looked upon the example with the eye of severity, but upon the person with the eye of pity [tenderness and care] and compassion’.[1]

Here is a spectacular eyewitness account by Rawley of the fact that Bacon lived knowing that we are vehicles of expression, and that whichever energy of one of the two sources available on earth that we are aligned to, will come through us – we are not that energy and do not own the source whether it be astral or heavenly. As Serge Benhayon has written; “In the case of true evil, neither the act itself nor the actors contain the evil seed... The evil is through them, but not from them”.[2]

It was said that when people came for dinner parties his ‘meals were reflections of the ear as well as of the stomach ... wherein a man might be refreshed in his mind and understanding, no less than in his body’. In other words, the conversation was a most important ingredient of the dinner – Bacon naturally did what we have been taught by the world teacher, that our dinners must pre-eminently focus on evolutionary conversation so that we do not drop vibration when we eat. At table Bacon would never dominate or out-vie others in conversation (as Rawley said: ‘he was no dashing man’), he would rather draw other men out to express themselves, never condemning their observations. Dinner guests in fact used to arrive with notebooks to take down the wisdom he so naturally imparted. Rawley said ‘his opinions and assertions’ were ‘rather like oracles than discourses’ – talking here about the multidimensional quality of what was expressed through Bacon.

It is worth quoting in full what his secretary observed about Bacon’s mind, as it is truly beautiful: ‘I have been induced to think, that if there were a beam of knowledge derived from God upon any man in these modern times, it was upon him. For though he was a great reader of books, yet he had not his knowledge from books, but from some grounds and notions from within himself’.[1] Rawley has clearly observed the fact of Bacon’s multidimensional intelligence.

Bacon’s prolific writings were profound, ground-breaking and transmutational, powerfully instrumental in breaking the stranglehold of mental bind that the Dark Ages had, and was still having, on European universities. Bacon saw right through the vagaries and fantasies of Scholasticism which infected the disgusting way university students were educated: one day he asked a friend of his, Sir John Danvers, if he would read through the manuscript of a book he had written and let him know if anything could be clearer. Danvers did so and gave his opinion, then asked Bacon why he hadn’t given the manuscript to a proper scholar and Bacon replied; ‘Why’ he said, ‘a Scholar would never have told me this’.[3] When the provost of King’s College Cambridge, Samuel Collins, read Bacon’s God-impulsed treatise, The Advancement of Learning, he said he just had to forget all the study he’d done up to this point, and begin afresh![1] This is truly significant as in The Advancement of Learning Bacon exposes ‘the proud knowledge’ of man which has the intent of giving ‘law unto himself’ (in other words the ‘owned’ knowledge of the self-serving spirit), as opposed to true intelligence which man has largely abandoned, described by Bacon as ‘the pure knowledge of Nature and Universality’. Bacon was deeply acquainted with multi-dimensional intelligence. His ‘mind’ penetrated the divisions of things created by ‘the proud knowledge’ of man, instead viewing everything as the reflection of the One. As he wrote, all learning must start with God’s wisdom, with ‘the attributes and acts of God’ which, as we know, are constantly communicated through the emanation of the stars, the constellations.[4]

Can you imagine the effect of the powerful beam of light pouring through him and through such a book, to penetrate the cold and supremacist consciousness of Brahman occupying Cambridge University, which was and is one of the major strongholds of confederate academic thought in the world – a real slayer of universal truth.

A substantial portion of Bacon’s work was written in Latin (which was the mode of the day), and so not readily accessible to the man and woman in the street – though interestingly, The New Atlantis was written in English and translated into Latin. So while his writing was hugely influential and an integral part of his work on Earth of breaking through the grip of the consciousnesses of the Dark Ages, it was through his interaction with the everyday world of government, and the practical business of daily life, that his heavenly reflection was able to do its massive work as Light-bringer for the advancement and evolution of all on earth.

It comes as no surprise then (as we have all so recently observed with the World Teacher of the new era), that the forces of involution, fury and jealousy that attack those of great vibrational integrity and divinity, attacked Francis Bacon. The deeper you go into the Ageless Wisdom, so you are a vibrational enemy.

First and foremost there was the huge jealousy directed towards Bacon because of his vibrational emanation, instantly registered by all – he was after all an Ascended Master. This jealousy came through those courtiers and parliamentarians who were steeped in the malicious self-serving ways of court, of creation, and who in their anguish registered only too well Bacon’s integrity, huge temporal success, and the connection and love between Bacon and the King, who once testified that Bacon worked in a way that was ‘most according to his own heart’. This relationship, with Bacon as leading Light, was based upon the truth of unremitting, all-abounding universality – a complete mastery of the Eternal Wheels of Motion and Repose for starters.

The force of this jealousy created, through Parliament, a trumped-up charge of bribery and corruption against Bacon in 1621 – he was charged with receiving gifts as bribery, to which charge he answered that yes he had received some gifts (which was an accepted custom of the day), but that he had never allowed such gifts to influence his decisions as a judge in any way, ‘in fact on many occasions, as he pointed out, he had ruled against the parties offering the gifts’.[5] There was in fact no energy of being bribed in Bacon’s acceptance of the said gifts. As he later observed, ‘I know I have clean hands and a clean heart’. Of course, in the way of the world who broadcasted that he was now ‘in disgrace’[6], he was declared unfit to hold office and had to step down from public service – a situation he handled with great equanimity. He was fined and imprisoned in the Tower for four days, the King pardoned him and he was released. The last five years of his life was spent writing his many works, vehicles for universal wisdom, contributing to the spheres of science, law, philosophy and religion.

Bacon would have been aware, too, that at some level the-powers-that-be in England were now saying ‘no’ to the direct deliverance of further energetic truth and evolutionary purpose through to high level government at this specific point of the cycle.[5] The realm had reached what could be called its vibrational breaking point, definitively observed by Serge Benhayon in Sermon 78:

"Thus, know this: no matter who you are to the person, group or assembly, if there is a yearning for creation, which means there is a craving for individuality, you will meet with the vibrational breaking point and in that, you will be dropped (discarded) if not attacked as if you were the single most and biggest enemy with no care or respect to whatever good, nice or pleasing has occurred to that point.

I will repeat this: If individuality is the aligned to source of lifeforce, there will be a vibrational breaking point. This means that, at some point, earned by your love-based purpose, you will reflect a certain and substantial amount of fiery-light such that it will pull another, a group or an entire city, region or country beyond the sustainable contrived deviance and back to the light of the One Soul. And forget not that this is very possible of and by anybody whose steps walk and live the light of their Soul. Now, at that point, be it from one other, a group, an institution, a municipality or a country, you will be rejected if not condemned and or attacked as if you were the single most and biggest enemy with no care or respect to whatever true service you have brought."

Serge Benhayon Sermon 78


  • [1]

    William Rawley, ‘Life of Francis Bacon’

  • [2]

    Serge Benhayon, The Way it is: A Treatise on Energetic Truth, Unimed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2006, p.115

  • [3]

    Aubrey’s Lives (Life of Francis Bacon)

  • [4]

    Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning []

  • [5]

    Francis Bacon []

  • [6]

    John Aubrey, Brief Lives,

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LineageThe HierarchyLivingness