What is time?

What is time?
I’ve only just begun reading the book ‘Time’ by Serge Benhayon and yet already there are many things that made me stop and reflect... the first one being how we experience time.
Sometimes time seems to go super slow and other times so fast that you can’t believe it; so for me I feel that what defines time is how we are in time – in other words, how we are with ourselves leaves us in a state where we then experience time. I have found that the more harmonious, still and present I am, the more time seems to slow down, and on the contrary when I feel rushed, stressed and burdened by the situation then I seem to be controlled by time and it can feel like I have to catch up, and that time rules me.
One great example I’ve experienced lately and where this topic has been shown to me is when I am about to eat. It has been very easy for me to pick up the knife and fork and just dig in, but, lately I’ve been giving myself some time (!) to sit for a while before I start eating; just a few seconds and just breathe a few breaths and that alone shifts the whole way I experience my reality at that point. It sounds miraculous and in many ways that is exactly what it feels like.
Let me expand this a little further.
In my day to day I experience life – my reality – in a certain way. When I am calm and centred and not 'all over the place' so to speak, me, my senses, seem to be given more space to observe what is going on around me. In that space it feels like time goes a little bit slower, I get more time to consider every-thing that I do, how things need to be done, how to move forward. It’s a bit like those action movies where suddenly everything seems to go in slow motion and you have got all the time in the world to do what you need to do.
On the other hand, when I am stressed it feels like that space gets smaller and smaller and my senses don’t have much room to pick up what is going on around me and I lose track.
What I’ve also experienced is that when the calm and centred state I referred to earlier gets deeper, it shifts into something else called stillness. The depth of that stillness doesn’t feel like it has an actual end. It can only go deeper, and the deeper it gets the more room I feel I have to be myself in the world. And time in that space is not a problem but something to work cooperatively with.
I know that the book Time is part of a trilogy called ‘Time, Space and all of us’. So far I’ve realised that time and space are very much intertwined as I have just shared. What the all of us aspect has to do with it I am yet to discover. I would like to thank Serge Benhayon for what I have read so far on this topic. The special thing with this book is that it doesn’t feel like a theory but is more a very practical approach where I have to bring myself into the equation – how I live and how I am with myself.
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