Esoteric Yoga

Esoteric Yoga
Esoteric Yoga is a way of living in union with our innermost – our Soul – in a practical, everyday way. In its simplicity, Esoteric Yoga invites us to re-establish a relationship with our body and the quality of stillness in our day-to-day movements and activities.
This modality was founded by Serge Benhayon in 1999 and has since supported people worldwide to re-connect with the quality of stillness in a very practical and simple way.
Stillness is our natural state of being, which can be felt when we build connection and presence with our body – a quality that is much needed in today’s world. The level of drive, pressure, demands, busyness and stress that have become the norm for most people creates an enormous pressure on our physiology to work overtime, placing strain on the nervous system, creating physical tension, pain, discomfort and anxiousness. Stillness is a return to the body’s innate state of being and offers a way to be with the activities, responsibilities and daily demands of our day without impacting or placing undue stress on the body. An Esoteric Yoga session presents clients with a practical template to connect to a simple way of being and moving that honours and supports the body in its natural harmonious flow of stillness.
Based on the Science of Energy, Esoteric Yoga reminds us to feel in a very practical way that everything is energy and everything is because of energy. In a typical day we are moving, bending, sitting, standing, twisting and stretching our body into countless positions and postures. The quality of how we choose to move can be functional, hard, abrupt and forceful, or we can choose to move purposefully with gentleness, grace and flow. Our physical movements and the quality in which we move have a direct impact on the body and how we feel, especially by the end of the day. All movements are expressions of energy through the body, as are all thoughts, actions and words.
"Esoteric Yoga develops the quality that becomes the movement that you will magnify throughout your body."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p 261
An Esoteric Yoga session provides the space for clients to develop a deeper relationship with themselves and their body. A one-hour session offers clients the time to experience a greater awareness of their moment-by-moment choices and the effects these are having on their body and state of wellbeing. The sessions themselves are very simple, with gentle practical everyday movements. Focus is brought within the body and to the quality of the movement, rather than the movement itself.
The choice to bring our focus within the body and keep the mind with what we are doing and feeling is known as conscious presence. The Esoteric Yoga template consists of a sequence of gentle movements that support the mind to observe and stay with the body. This allows us to become aware of the choice we always have to bring presence and quality to what we are doing in any given moment as opposed to being scattered and distracted. This supports clients to bring clarity to the mind, build confidence, develop self-awareness and rejuvenate and revitalise the body.
The fact that we are in constant movement within our day highlights how essential it is to be aware of how we move our bodies and know the quality of energy we are choosing.
Esoteric Yoga develops a re-alignment back to the energetic quality of stillness through gentleness, conscious presence and developing a way of living that is honouring of our body and being.
In choosing this for ourselves, we extend this through to all areas of our lives, including our relationships and the opportunity to naturally inspire others.
‘As a self-healing therapy, Esoteric Yoga empowers clients to become their own practitioner and in tune with the deeper more intimate aspects of their body’
In stillness we return to the natural intelligence of the body, becoming aware of the messages that our body is constantly communicating to us. As with all Universal Medicine therapies, it is the client who is in charge of their own healing through their own experiences and the choice to return to a simpler and more harmonious way of being.
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