The wisdom in every man, woman and child

The wisdom in every man, woman and child
(Note: English is a second language for the author of this testimonial)
I can remember when the first book of Serge Benhayon came out, I had been very excited starting to read The Way It Is.
It took me a while to read this book with a flow of understanding of what he was writing about and sometimes I could not understand the words I had never heard before, so my dictionary was always next to me when reading the book.
Serge writes in a way that always gives the view from different angles so one can understand the message in one or the other way. Most times he writes about the same topic in a multidimensional way, to make sure everyone can understand.
What I have learned also was to trust in myself that I would get it, and even when it seemed to make no sense to me in the first sentence I could always find a part in the next sentence where he meets me from my understanding of where he is coming and writing from.
On the first couple of pages I started to mark with a highlighter the most important things he was saying that made sense to me and which touched me very deeply in my heart and also what was of enormous relevance to me. The book is now highlighted in nearly every sentence; this is what the first book brought to me.
I also understood when I was taking my time to stop my daily things and to sit and read gave me a great feeling. I see it as an investment into myself with a huge nurturing effect that made me always feel myself come into a state of “coming back to me“.
The fact that I have done something for myself that made me understand much more and also take a different point of energetic view that I had not discerned before also made much sense to me and I came to realise that I have that ability inside of me, too. I can feel so much and recognise more than I was aware of before.
It is like a re-awakening from what is inside me!!!
So Serge is writing about something he is aware of – and that energetic art of writing opens up in the reader this same ability to feel their own wisdom from inside.
It is the same energy and wisdom in everyone, and in reading these energetic writings this old treasure can be with you again - the pyramids were built from this same entrance to a bigger wisdom that is in every man, every woman and every child.
Filed under
Nurturing, Wisdom, Pyramids, Testimonials