The Body: Our Temple

The Body: Our Temple
In ancient times, the Ageless Wisdom teachers of Medicine considered the body as a place of religious intimacy – a fleshy temple to enhouse the multi-dimensional essence we now call the human being. This temple was to be cared for, honoured daily and kept vibrationally ‘clean’ so that it might access the Wisdom of the Universe, the Love of God, and the Stillness and Harmony of Space.
Nowadays Medicine encourages us to see our bodies in more functional terms, like a car that needs regular checks and oil changes in order to take us where we want to go. Begrudgingly, we put it through its paces at the gym, often over-revving the engine or wearing out the tires, careful not to push it to the point of breaking down, where it causes us frustration or expense. Yet, even despite these demands and expectations, many of us still treat our bodies more like battle-worn tanks than luxury cars!
These two attitudes towards our bodies could not be more different and unsurprisingly have led to widely divergent teachings regarding the value and true purpose of the human body. One holds the body as sacred, an equal, a teacher of Divinity and a temple of Ageless Wisdom, bringing an innate intelligence that resides in the divine particles from which it is constructed. The other holds the body, to varying degrees, with contempt, viewing it a useful commodity that, if treated adequately, allows us to fulfil necessary human functions, gain advantage over others and facilitate our desires or pleasures.
If we observe the route that modern Medicine has taken, it is clear that it is the latter attitude that now prevails. Body augmentation and the entitlement to functional improvements as we age, has reached a new zenith of obsession. Our ‘cars’ are primed, painted and primped to the max, sporting artificial joints, technical electrics of all kinds and innumerable expensive fuels and genetic tweaks that enhance performance, no matter what our age. And just like the car industry, the body industry is big business, ranking in billions of dollars, as we seek to squeeze a little more time out of our aging engines and rusting chassis. And of course, there is now the ‘pimp my ride’ equivalence in plastic surgery trends (e.g. extreme breast/bottom augmentations and vaginoplasties) that have become commonplace.
But our bodies are not cars. They are not indefinite or imperishable. Nor were they ever designed to be. They are magnificently finite, intricate, and delicately built, whether viewed under the microscope or moon. Our bodies are temples built of Divine particles, points of light and stardust, ever responsive to the Great Cycle of the Universe and the magnetic pull of Soul. Like everything, they are re-cycling and re-turning to enhouse our being until it chooses to no longer be incarcerated here on this plane. By holding our bodies as less than this we cannot but hold ourselves, our being, as less also.
Do we, as doctors, patients, humanity at large, regard the body with the magnificence of an ancient temple, to be restored to its sacred purpose of enhousing Divinity? Or do we view it in the poverty of a dwelling that is fit only for a finite length of function and perhaps some casual fun? Is our body treated as the Great Pyramid, a structure that orientates us back to the stars or is it kept and paraded like the Ritz, for good times and glamour?
A temple is a bespoke structure for communication with the Divine, and that precise purpose changes our reason for having a physical body from purely mundane, to magnificently sacred and in truth, religiously intimate. If we stop to feel the depth of this, then the responsibility for our bodily temple instantly emerges. Do we want to continue vibrationally desecrating our body, our sacrosanct space in each life we live? Or are we ready to accept its true purpose – to re-connect us with the energetic Truth and Wisdom of the Universe.
Entering a temple is an experience of awe, stillness and deep reverence. But how can we experience these qualities in our physical temple, when it is dulled by excess food, racy and revved up with nervous tension or sugar? Equally, what intimacy is possible when it is exhausted by striving, expectation and effort, poor sleep or poisoned by heavy emotions? There are many ‘fixes’ available for these stresses and afflictions and Medicine does much to provide ever ingenious solutions for these ills and the innumerable diseases that inevitably follow when they accumulate. However, it does not need to be this way…
Part of our human collective dis-ease is that we have come to identify the being that lives in the body with the body itself, and therein lies the source of our arrogance, judgement and contempt for it. The Ageless Wisdom teaches that it is the relationship of the human spirit (the being) to its body, in each re-incarnation, that drives the irreverence, our repeated desecration of the body, our temple, by focusing on its functionality rather than its multidimensional purpose.
This is the true and uncorrupted symbolism of King Solomon’s temple, the physical body that is lovingly honoured to enhouse the Soul, from which we all originate.
The human spirit is the fragmented being that uses the body as does a boy-racer, for functional relief and amusement, not as a source of re-connection to its Divine Origin of Soul. Even when it attempts to mimic the Animal Kingdoms, it cannot sustain the reverence that we see reflected in the way animals live to and honour the cycles of their own bodies, when living free of human impost.
When Medicine eventually realises that our collective contempt for the human body is a consequence of the human spirit’s dis-ease with itself in separation to Soul, the attitudes we hold toward ageing and physical disease cannot but change. We will begin to get honest about why we want to control all the body’s functioning to extremes, and why we deal with bodily disease by covering it up, ignoring it, obsessively fixing it, or avoiding it with our many prophylactic devices and treatments. We may again give credence and import to the True Science of Reincarnation, and its role in preparation for death.
That is not to say that there is no place for the technical advances of modern Medicine, but rather to shed light upon the intent with which these advances are used i.e., to extract functionality from the body, devoid of its multidimensional purpose in the life of the being that runs it. The Divine particles that comprise our body are eternally honest, interconnected as they are to the Divine Order of the Universe – when we silence their truthful communication, we silence our own multidimensionality.
A temple is to be used in service to All, to reflect and emanate what is Divine. As such, maintenance may be required for that service to continue as and when it is called for in the purpose of our lives. However, when our intent is to get by with as little maintenance as we can to make the body ‘look good’, fit our prescribed functions and desires, or to wipe away years of irresponsible desecration – it will never bring us closer in communion with our true Soul-full selves, or our Divinity.
The Way of The Livingness offers a mode of living that brings forth the inner beauty of the Body as a Temple, a sacred place where food, sleep, daily cycles, disease, birth and death are all honoured and of equal importance – in a way that honours the Great Universal Cycle and the many lesser cycles that derive from it.
What The Way of The Livingness really offers us is a spherical way of living life in a body, that truly restores the body to being the sacred temple of our Divine multidimensional being, the Soul, living imperfectly but practically on Earth. This is a very different experience from the usual experience of human life, where the body is the casual dwelling place of the spirit that pimps and drives the body to its limits, for its own narcissistic pleasure.
* If you have any conditions or persistent symptoms, you should see a registered medical doctor or mental health professional. These articles offer no cure, and it is not in any way a replacement for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment.
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