Nobody is born Dr Evil so what happens?

Nobody is born Dr Evil so what happens?

"It is very hard to accept that we are not who we are until you know who you are."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, Volume II, ed 1, p 325

Something has happened to society that we have lost our connection to our innate beauty and tenderness and judge each other by what we do and look like rather than feel the essence of who we are. This audio presents how beautiful and tender we all truly are.

60% Complete

Nobody is born Dr Evil so what happens?

How is it that we are born knowing we are beautiful and tender yet we grow up to have self-worth and rejection issues.

"If we honour what we truly are, that we are all very sensitive, innately and beautifully so, and acknowledge it, we will live accordingly. This will produce a natural Will to self care and nurture deeply in honour of what is in essence already there. If we ignore our true essence we will have to bury it with all that we are not. Thus, self-abuse overtakes the self-care and the nurturing that are otherwise naturally there. "

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, Volume II, ed 1, p 268

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