The time bomb has been delivered

The time bomb has been delivered
Sometime in 2015 a book arrived on Australian and British shores titled ‘Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time’. So far, and even though it is in its second edition at present, it has been taken up mainly by students of The Ageless Wisdom: a few reviews and testimonials have appeared – mainly, or possibly solely on Universal Medicine and associated websites – but basically it is fair to say that this book has flown under the radar, not only of many in the student body but also of the general public, thereby denying it the worldwide attention it justly deserves.
So, what is it with this book, you might justifiably ask?
To put this book into its larger context, let me put what might be judged as unthinkable or far-fetched to you first: in time, the teachings and revelations in this book will be known as the next big advance for mankind, and Serge Benhayon will be regarded as being on par with Aristarchus of Samos, Copernicus, Galileo and Einstein.
That’s a bold statement, I hear you say.
True, but the proof is in the book and not the pudding in this instance. And granted, earth shattering and mind-blowing discoveries are far and few between – Galileo famously said “And yet it moves”, meaning the earth around the sun rather than the other way around. The lie that the sun moved around the earth had been decreed as a truth by the authorities of the day, who stood firm in their draconian reinterpretation of universal laws that had never changed and had been known by those who observed, felt and thought for themselves since time immemorial. By sentencing Galileo Galilei to house arrest for the rest of his life, the church drew a line in the sand and declared that the Aristotelian geocentric view was to be upheld at all costs and that the fact that the earth moves around the sun – a fact every school child knows today, and this only a mere 400 or so years later – was against biblical teachings and in fact an act of outrageous heresy and disobedience contra the authority of the church.
Well before Galileo, Copernicus had already published his Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), but knowing full well that it would not go down unopposed once it had come to the attention of the church and its relentless pursuit of those they labelled as heretics, he had held his findings back for decades.
It took until 1992 – when the Roman Catholic Church finally revoked the ruling of the inquisition against Galileo and pardoned him – for the church to officially admit that the heliocentric worldview was, and had always been, true.
Back to philosopher and teacher Serge Benhayon and the three-part series ‘Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time’. In regards and in contrast to the perceived notion that time is running away from us, that it is accelerating and that there is never enough of it, he respectfully, calmly and without fanfare presents that time does not move. Yes, no typo here and no aberrant, double, triple or overlooked negatives – time does not move.
And again, just in case you missed it – the book ‘Time’ proposes that it, time, does not move. And further:
“There is no time, just a measure of movements we have calculated fit into a sequence that we can measure.”
- SB
According to Benhayon, time is an earthly convention that measures our choices as we return close to the same spot year in, year out in our elliptical trajectory around the sun. And because we are in truth not going anywhere but around and around the sun, our past choices (the past) travel with us and determine our future choices (the future), which are in turn a repeat of our present choices (the present) – unless, of course, we decide not to repeat from the past what we do not wish to be part of our future. And thus, the past travels with us until such time that we make different choices. And how does time do that?
“Time, it does not move, it measures our choices.”
- SB
And, in more detail and for your consideration:
“Time does not move us. We are moved or are constantly moving by the anti-clockwise movement of our planet Earth. It is the planet and not time that produces what we call ‘daytime ‘and ‘night-time’. What we call time, in this particular reference to movement, is nothing more than an indicator of where we geographically are in relation to the Sun.”
Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time, ed 1, p 67
“… we choose to perceive that life is a forward movement. And worse, we do not want to know any different.”
Time, Space and all of us, Book 2 – Space, ed 1, p 641
Seeing that time does not move and that our evolution is not a lineal trajectory from a distant past via the present into an imagined future, and that we keep going around the sun year after year after year – could it then be that time is not the adversary and scarce resource we perceive it to be? Could it be that time is our faithful and unwavering ally and servant in our development and true evolution?
Benhayon has delivered a veritable and literal time bomb here, a treatise on energetic truth on all of 422 pages that blows time and our concept of it out of the water, that points a way forward for humanity and a way out from the exhaustion epidemic (which Benhayon predicted as far back as 1999, together with the ever-rising consumption of sugar and caffeine, all just to try to stay awake!) and the futile race that has us pitted against time, by whatever means and with whatever technology we can.
Consider the fact that time is ever-present and that everybody seems to be ruled by it: we are forever rushing, trying to squeeze everything into the time we have, being on time, running late, just making it, meeting deadlines, missing or catching buses and trains, etc. etc. Our debilitating perception of time and its assumed rule if not stranglehold over us, are pervasive and ubiquitous.
What if time wasn’t about this at all? What if we have been getting time wrong? Just like the authorities of old got the geocentric model of the earth wrong when they decreed that the sun moved around the earth and that we were the centre of the universe. And to remind you, that is but a mere few hundred years ago.
And what will happen ‘this time’ when someone is seemingly – but not really if we were to drop our pride – far ahead of our times?
And, on another note – is it possible that we have been getting time wrong, just as we got the flat earth theory wrong, by solely relying on our physical sight and digging our heels in?
Filed under
Time, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution