An employer’s dream - technology to predict employee behaviour

An employer’s dream - technology to predict employee behaviour
An article titled “This new technology can predict how staff will behave”[1] refers to an Australian HR software firm that believes it has come up with technology that can mimic human thinking and predict the decisions that an employee will make.
The automation is expected to replace up to 40 per cent of Australian jobs according to the Centre for Economic Development of Australia. Sounds like an employer’s dream, right – to have in their hands the technology to detect employee behaviour – but what if they had this ability at their fingertips all along?
The fact that we think we need such technology shows how lacking in understanding we are of the behaviour of human beings. We would feel so relieved to find something – anything – that could make human beings more predictable in their thinking and actions, because that would help us control the circumstances before us. And it sounds great doesn’t it . . . using technology to rule out any possibility of a narcissistic leader or employee failure?
Such technology has the potential to change human resource management and organisational practices worldwide, but is it going to be the real answer to our problems or are we still skirting around the serious issues? Why do we need technology to do something the human body already does naturally – it connects with people?
Technology that mimics human thinking is sure to only set us off in a chase after the many thoughts that the human mind can have. It will keep us busy as we try to get the data to sit comfortably in a neat little box that will help us try to make sense of life.
But without living life knowing we are impulsed from energy, what exactly will we find in the mind apart from an endless array of thoughts? For the Truth and the Ageless Wisdom resides in what we feel in our body, not in our mind.
One would assume such technology would be limited to the level of the lived experience of our experts and programmers. Perhaps we can only hope that the programmers have the innate wisdom of our ancient teachers like Buddha, Hypatia and Patanjali, because each of us knows that our greatest experts in human behaviour and psychology have been known to get it wrong – after all, once upon a time people with particular facial features were determined to be criminals, and the earth was apparently flat.
Interestingly, we prefer to trust a computer program before trusting the innate and inbuilt systems we have within our bodies to detect energy – energy that impulses thinking – and therefore dictates our movements and our behaviour.
It is easy in essence to operate our human born gift, we just have to stop getting in the way of our ability to feel energy and then we would know if someone was behaving underhandedly or abusively or in line with what we know is a true and loving. We have to learn to trust what we feel, even over what we see and hear.
But we don’t want to do this. We don’t want the responsibility that comes with tuning into the greatest programme that has ever been built and lives within us – our natural clairsentience. Instead we try to dull it down with food, alcohol, substance abuse, emotions, drama, hardness and excessive exercise. It’s like pouring a sugar drink all over our already operating and highly efficient keyboard and resorting to a complex and unnecessary alternate system whose output cannot be relied up
Everything is because of energy
If "everything" is energy and "everything" is because of energy then we need to know what energy is running us and how it is affecting our bodies and our choices.
Let’s face it, if we become absolutely honest with each other, we would all have to ‘fess up to behaviour that at times was self-centred, cruel to others and destructive even when we are being ‘really nice’. It is an energy that is there that we can grab hold of at any time and use to hurt or pull down those around us. If this ‘employee behaviour detecting technology’ was able to work at peak performance and report accurately, it could record our waywardness and, as a consequence, no single person would pass the personality test. Those assessing the data could potentially judge us harshly and in that we wouldn’t really be given a job, a business partnership and we probably wouldn’t get married either. This energy or way of being is not who we are in essence, but it is a way we can be when we have lost our way. So what happens next – who do we employ in these roles if the system shows each of our imperfections?
Thankfully there is the chance to live more true to our essence, the other side of the coin, where we are the most exquisite loving beings. From this place we can pull each other up, not by giving out promotions and more money, but living true to ourselves, which inspires others to align, be more responsible, make more loving choices and build more energetic integrity into their day-to-day lives. It’s not a textbook thing, it’s a lived experience thing and although we can live this way all of the time, many of us don’t. Will technology pick up on that?
If it is true that by 2030[2] we will be more ‘people focussed’ rather than ‘degree focussed’ in our recruitment practices, and that organisations will begin to see the value of employing people based on the quality of the person first before their qualifications, then how are we going to assess them when we don’t trust what we feel, when we have chosen to live in a way that hinders our ability to see past the pearly smile, politeness and charm. Perhaps at the very least, technology can make us more honest, with the potential to detect the differences between what we say at an interview and how we really behave . . . maybe!?!
There are experiences we have in the workplace that are horrible indeed, but using a computer system to screen them out is giving away our power and not trusting what we feel – and this is where the problem begins. It is fear-based and provides each of us with the perfect avenue to defer responsibility to something outside of ourselves.
Yes, destructive behaviour can cost an organisation a great deal of money and do incredible harm, but the tension we experience and the problems we come up against are never going to be avoided, it is just a part of life’s teachings to help us on our way. In fact, these situations allow us to see just how powerful we really are when we trust what we feel and make different choices.
Often we know, at the very beginning, what stands before us when we meet someone, if only we truly connect with them, but we override this and dismiss the insightful information our body provides. If we surveyed our Managers or Recruiters and asked whether in hindsight they should have trusted their initial feelings in an interview process, I am sure many would humbly answer, ‘Yes’. The beauty of hindsight can be a thing of the present if only we turn our attention within.
Of course, it is our preference to rely on computer systems to make our assessments, so that we can continue to live our lives as we do and avoid any chance to really step up and look at what ideals and beliefs we have invested in to get into the dire position many organisations are in. Not dire necessarily in relation to money, but in relation to the interpersonal relationships – its people.
Stepping towards each other and really connecting as human beings is where we really need to be at, not continuing with the current momentum, separating further from each other with technology and data. This will never be as expansive as the information provided by the human body when we live from our true self, trust what we feel and offer true connection with each other.
Technology is amazing and very practical now in our day-to-day lives – but it should never be used or placed above the amazingness that resides in our innermost. If we connect to our essence, we can support all others to connect to their essence too.
This natural ability would soon outdate any computer system built by man because we would sense in a split second what stands before us and what is truly needed in that moment. For we are much greater than we know ourselves to be.
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