Conventional medicine & healthcare systems in a state of crisis

Conventional medicine & healthcare systems in a state of crisis
"Conventional medicine is doing a great job at keeping us one step ahead of the absolute chaos we would be in without it.
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 722
Humanity owes much to the impress of conventional medicine.
However, its current premise is not to prevent or to heal but to cure and or best-manage our ills. But, temporary cures, long-term cures and or managing our ills does not reveal the fact that our waywardness is and has been the root pandemic problem.
We will one day exhaust the medical system completely if we keep our lovelessness, its disregard and its wayward behaviour, as our way of life.
Be warned – ‘that day’, is already well and truly into its many days, weeks and months."
We are well and truly at a point of crisis in healthcare. Globally there are increasing measures to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, yet the costs of managing chronic diseases and conditions are increasing exponentially. This is due both to the fact that the incidence of chronic illnesses and diseases is rising, and that the costs of new and improved treatments to manage the symptoms are also increasing. Additionally, people are getting these chronic diseases at younger ages and living longer with their ill-health conditions due to sustained conventional medical interventions.
According to a study in the Lancet[1], 95% of the global population have some form of illness and disease. This is a shocking and disturbing statistic, but one that we have come to accept in this day and age as ‘normal’. Forty years ago, it was rare to know of someone who had cancer, however, these days it is quite normal to either know of or hear of someone having this condition. One in eight women, or 12% of the population of women, are getting breast cancer at some stage of life. The amount of people with diabetes globally is now so large that if they were all in one country, they would be the third largest nation in the world.
Yet in our ordinary, everyday lives, we are not stopping to question why it is and how it is that so many of us are getting so much illness and disease. We take it for granted as we, particularly in developed countries such as Australia, have easy access to an excellent conventional medical system. Were we not to have such easy accessibility to affordable healthcare, would we be ready to stop, listen and consider our health in a different way?
In Australia alone, the cost of chronic pain to the economy is $34 billion per year in both direct and indirect costs – i.e. costs to the healthcare system, but also costs to employers and the economy due to lack of productivity and sick leave.
- The cost of osteoarthritis to the Australian economy is $23 billion per year.[2]
- The cost of heart disease to the Australian healthcare system is $3.9 billion per year.[3]
- The cost of cancer to the Australian healthcare system is $6 billion per year.[4]
The annual cost of just one drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis for one person is $US12,000 - 36,000.[5] What individual can afford such a drug for a lifetime, as this is one of many lifelong conditions? Indeed, which country can afford such a high cost for a single drug (in an ocean of various drugs for a myriad of conditions) and a lifetime supply of it, particularly where there are so many people with that particular condition?
And these expenses do not take into consideration the cost and impact on personal, professional, family and social lives.
Neither do they take into account and consideration the cost and impact of loneliness on the elderly and others with chronic medical conditions living on their own, in a society where we are increasingly disconnected from real people and where the emphasis is on having our heads in our phones and other electronic devices, dealing with virtual people instead.
As these diseases become more prevalent, if more people are ill and unable to work, then how can public funding, which comes from a decreasing pool of taxpayers, possibly be expected to support the healthcare of the majority who are not only ill but are unable to contribute appropriately to the economy and pay taxes to support the healthcare of themselves and of others? With projections indicating that this situation will only get worse, how can we even consider, let alone accept the notion that we will be able to sustain the costs needed to support all people?
It is simply an unsustainable system, yet moves at reforming the healthcare system at present are still focussed only on end-stage solution management:
Reducing the costs of delivering healthcare by replacing people with robots and computer algorithms (which will leave more people without jobs and less tax to fund public healthcare).
Replacing trained physicians with nurses who follow protocols generated by pharmaceutical companies who have only one paradigm of healthcare in mind.
We are well and truly in the day and age where the fundamentals of the healthcare system have been exhausted, as Serge Benhayon has stated. Conventional medicine is doing a great job at managing symptoms, but it is not dealing with root causes of illness and disease, nor is its focus on understanding the root cause of illness and disease to either prevent or to heal it.
If we continue with our current paradigm of end-stage symptom management alone, then in the near future we will not be able to access affordable healthcare and the consequences will be rapidly devastating. Populations and economies will be in greater crisis.
Is it not time to seek another model; one that will support us to deepen our understanding of illness and disease, such that illness and disease may be able to be prevented and truly healed, thus merging the benefits of both conventional and esoteric medicine?
What will it take for us as a humanity to consider that there must be another way?
Are we to wait for the complete collapse of the healthcare system and subsequently our economies, and to have our hospitals, homes and streets overwhelmed with the sick and the dying who are unable to work and/or unable to afford healthcare or a roof over their head, unable to be supported by relatives who are equally economically challenged by their own health conditions?
Or are we to heed the tide of the cycles – see where we are headed and take responsibility for both ourselves and for others?
The choice has never been clearer.
"When mankind, in its current form of intelligence, finally admits that they cannot truly address the grand dilemma of our increasing forms and rates of illness and disease, and this coming only after the inevitable rise, spread and growth in the intensity of our ill conditions, there will be a true opening to accept the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. The key for humanity, and our real state of health, will be how soon that admission is made and, how open they, the so-called authorities on our health and our ‘medicine’, will be to the energetic truths."
Serge Benhayon Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time, ed 1, p 333
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