No baby is born abusive!
The beginning is a very good place to start when we have a problem or an issue that needs attention, and the rise of the many abhorrent forms of abuse in the world is definitely one such issue that needs urgent attention.
Family Crime
Home sweet home – how sweet is it? Is family a place of nurturance and love, or a hive of abuse?
Abuse – A matter in our own hands
Abuse – a matter in our hands: is it possible that the choices we make in our everyday life impact all of society? And if so, can we start to make different choices?
The bully
If a bully wins a fight and controls people by fear, what kind of world is it we live in? From school yard bullying to global corruption, what happens when we let ill-energy run our lives?
My experience of abuse and self-abuse
One woman’s journey from abuse and self-abuse to re-connection with her essence.
The interplay of physicality and energy in violence – understanding the strings that are moved
What is the root cause of the forever growing violence and the normalisation of it? What if there is a bigger picture to violence that we as humanity have been unwilling to embrace?
How do we become a less violent society?
Violence is an accepted part of our everyday – we expect it. So how do we become a non-violent society, or said another way, how do we come back to being a loving race of people?
Forgive them for they know not what they do
There is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so what is the difference that could really make a difference?
My understanding of abuse
Could it be that by limiting our understanding of abuse we fail to see that we are all being abused constantly?
History repeats itself, war after war: on Greek tragedies, Love Actually and a true beginning to the end of war
Greek Tragedies from the 5th century BC describe to a T exactly how soldiers are feeling when returning from war this very day. Why haven’t we learnt from the past? Why is it that history keeps repeating itself with atrocities that nobody who has ever experienced war wants again?