Our simple sun

Our simple sun
Yes, the Sun is amazing, it is huge, super-hot, and yes, we would not have life on this planet without it.
In fact, we would not have a planet at all if it weren't for this Sun, the centre of our Solar System. But the Sun is also simple... it is just doing what suns do, an ever expanding nuclear reaction, radiating out rays of light.
There are umpteen billions of suns out there in the universe doing just what our Sun is doing, all at different stages of expansion, some in their dying days, others just being birthed. In a sense, we human beings have quite a lot in common with the suns out in space. We are born and die, we evolve and change, and we radiate out our own light or energy for all to see and feel. It is irrelevant as to whether we are aware of this or not, it happens anyway. We even know ourselves to be 'Sons of God' on Earth, which sounds an awful lot like 'Suns of God', no surprise.
Our Sun has a name. Most people do not seem to know this, as we simply refer to it, to him, as 'the Sun'. Our Sun's name is Sol. That is where the term 'Solar System' stems from. Sol is a glorious being. When we consider that the Sun, our sun, is actually a living breathing being, not just a big hot thing in space, then we begin to appreciate the qualities of this great being called Sol. He becomes part of our celestial family, with purpose and meaning, and indeed identity. We can actually see these qualities in ourselves and in each other.
The word 'Sol' is a Latin name referring to the Sun as a member of our celestial family, a god with particular roles, responsibilities and challenges. He is strong and giving, powerful and lifegiving, yet can be the destroyer, the exposer of darkness. The internationally recognised symbol or glyph for the Sun is a circle with a dot in the centre. This shows us something very significant about what the Sun is all about: the process of identifying our centre, and expressing from there. That dot is significant, it is a point, a point of emanation, of essence, and of light, and from that point we expand and radiate, we express and share.
We can appreciate the many dimensions of the Sun in our lives here on planet Earth. We feel the rays of the Sun on our skin, in our bodies, and through our sense of touch. We feel the warmth, the heat, the radiance of our Sun, Sol, and we modulate our exposure to this radiation depending on how our bodies feel. And we can ignore this, ignore our bodies, and under-expose or overexpose ourselves to this amazing emanation.
As well as heat, we receive the vibrations or waves of light in their many frequencies, of which visible light is a small fragment. The light of the Sun gives us so much and it is this that makes life on earth possible, giving an energy source to the plants that are the food source of all animals, and of us. The light that our eyes do not see, the ultra-violet, the infra-red, and more, is sourced from our sun, and from the other suns in space, the stars. Science is in its infancy in understanding how these various vibrations of light affect life on Earth.
It is the orbit of our Earth around the Sun, and our daily rotation around our angled axis, that sets our seasons and our daily night/day rhythms into being, that then causes the weather patterns and constant movement of ocean currents on our planet. It is the Sun that powers all the ebbing and flowing, all the migrating birds and animals, all the summer blooming and winter hibernation, the waves on the seas, the evaporation of water into clouds, into rain. The moon is in there too, lifting the tides, having its influence, reflecting the light of the Sun also. But it is the Sun, at the centre, that is the life-giving and energy-giving source. And it does so with enormous simplicity, asking for nothing in return – there is no cost, no strings attached, and it is the same day in, day out, day after day. As the Sun does these things, so do we. As we look to the Sun and see its essence and feel its power, so too can we look to our own essence and feel its power.
In the Sun's simplicity we are offered the same simplicity in ourselves, one of being, of connecting with our essence, and of naturally allowing that essence to shine.
All this movement, this constant change, this relentless cycling of energy, is what drives so much of the geological processes of erosion and transformation of our environment. Tectonic movement caused by the internal movements within our planet play their part also, along with changes in our magnetic field. And these two things can ultimately also be linked to our Sun, for the very existence of our planet was dependent first on the Sun forming itself at the centre of the cloud of cosmic gas that was to become our Solar System.
So here we have our Sun, Sol, as our source of life, just as we human beings have our soul, at our centre, impulsing our true essence to co-create with the essence of the Universe, the being we call God. It is no coincidence that our Soul is aligned with Sol. For both offer us a very simple, but profound truth: that the meaning of life is simply to be ourselves, to connect to our core essence and to radiate out the light that is but ours to share.
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