Everything matters and true healing
Everything matters and true healing
"If there were to be a principle that could pave the way for a good start, or a true start as one would say who has felt that the world’s dilemmas are in need of urgent healing, it would be that – everything matters.
Serge Benhayon An Open Letter to Humanity, p 573
Everything you are, everything you do, say and think matters, for it is constantly causative to the whole we all live in.
When this is truly understood, we will say –
Everything we are, everything we do, say and think matters, for it will either heal or harm the whole we all live in."
When we choose to live in a more loving way with ourselves our reference point for what is healing and what is harming changes. It is far more than simply discarding something or looking to feel better. With this awareness we are able to look deeper into our behaviours and our lifestyle and uncover the true meaning of healing.
Everything matters and true healing
A realistic presentation on where we are at today, what Universal Medicine has been saying down the ages, what true healing is and how everything matters.
"The best form of healing is to choose a loving way to live."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p 600
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