World teachers day – October 5th

World teachers day – October 5th

"Teach people with LOVE and people will choose to BE LOVE. Then, they too will be the teachers to the next ones needing the teaching."

Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, p 502

World Teachers’ Day is held annually on October 5th commemorating teachers’ organisations worldwide, recognising and appreciating the significant and vital contribution that teachers make to education and development. The aim of the day is to gain support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers. What if each and every one of us was able to provide an essential ingredient above and beyond the required syllabus that would naturally inspire children?

This relevatory audio reveals how there is more to teaching than just the syllabus.

60% Complete

Teaching and adding something more

As a teacher you are bound by the syllabus, but there is another essential ingredient that your students need.

"We are born feeling what is all around us. That way of being remains strong and almost entirely exclusive until the age of five (5), though some are able to hold it until nine (9) or so. It is the current form of education that subdues and or culls it by the time we are in the first or second year of school. This is not the fault of any teacher, but that of a system that is void of understanding who and what we truly are. No one or group is here being criticised. The real culprit is a form of ill thinking that has been imposed onto mankind and not any man or woman actually devising it. That said, and it being something that is there for you to ponder most deeply on, our perceptiveness of our surroundings, or, our clairsentience, does not ever leave us, we simply suppress it so that we get favour for what gives us favour, that is, we seek that which brings recognition."

Serge Benhayon An Open Letter to Humanity, p 217

Further Reading and Listening

Clairsentience Unimedpedia gives a deeper understanding into Clairsentience which is referred to in the above quote.

In the article Students, Teachers and the Pressure to Achieve: Have We Got It Back-To-Front? - Kristy Wood looks at our current system of teaching and also the demands and pressures that are placed on teachers.

The article Serge Benhayon and Education contains more quotes and observations on our current system of education. A beautiful short article highly recommended.

Teachers are Gold Project provides a range of programs to support teachers.

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