Yoga and competition – letting the body speak

Yoga and competition – letting the body speak
There is no true union or Yoga in competition, and yet competition can and does sometimes creep into a Yoga practice… in the comparing with another or in the trying to better oneself.
In competition we separate from the connection with our body and being as one, and we separate from the other. Many are conditioned this way from young to strive, to attain, and to compete with each other, though this is not our natural way to be.
To be at One with All is our natural way of being, no more no less.
Yet when the body is pushed it contracts and in this squeeze the natural space, ease and flow of energy through the body is impeded or reduced.
In this audio, Rosanna speaks of the bind and restriction she felt in her body when she practised Yoga in the past, and how in coming to Esoteric Yoga she was able to drop the competition and go deeper within and re-connect to the stillness within her body.
Yoga and competition - letting the body speak
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