Bridging Foods – Homemade recipes everyone wanted

Bridging Foods – Homemade recipes everyone wanted
Bridging Foods came into existence when myself and Sally Scott, a friend of mine, were gathering up a collection of our favourite recipes to bind and put together for friends who constantly asked us for new ideas, as they loved what we were cooking.
We have both been inspired by presentations we have attended where Serge Benhayon, director and founder of Universal Medicine, suggested that we take a closer look at what we were eating and how this affects our body. This is what I did after attending my first Sacred Esoteric Healing workshop; I began playing around with ingredients, recipes and what I was eating to see if I could begin to feel the effects of different foods on my body. To my surprise I could – the food I was eating had an impact on how my body felt.
Old recipes were changed and new recipes were written down, all of which were tried and tested and eventually Bridging Foods was put together to support people who would like to explore their food choices, just as we did – getting a sense of how food makes us feel and transitioning from eating gluten and dairy to being gluten and dairy free.
The recipes that ended up in the actual book were the ones that really supported us during our time of change, as we became gluten and dairy free. At the time I had young children who have now blossomed into teenagers and I was dealing with lunch boxes and birthday parties. I was also travelling a bit with work and these recipes were the cornerstones that got me away from a diet of just hummus and corn thins.
Bridging Foods is not another diet book. It is a collection of recipes that we found really useful, and we felt that they were worth sharing with others. Bridging Foods supports the reader to understand that there is still so much that you can eat when you make a choice to go gluten and dairy free and this is well worth focussing on, rather than on what you cannot eat.
Bridging Foods is just the beginning, but it is a really important step. Food is one of the trickier issues to talk about, as we can see at the moment with the Paleo debate raging. The fact is that every single human on this planet has to eat to live and so we are all affected by food. At this particular time we seem to have a very fraught relationship with what we eat, with it being blamed for many of our major health crises, all the way from obesity to anorexia.
So where to start?
“I knew I was unwell, mildly depressed, overweight, dabbling recreationally in drugs and numbing myself with food and not living anywhere near my full potential. I looked at my life and could see no tangible reason why I should feel like this as I had a beautiful husband and two gorgeous sons and a loving family. The first step in taking responsibility for how I was on a daily basis was to look at what I was eating. When I stopped eating gluten, dairy, yeast, caffeine, alcohol and finally sugar I was able to start to truly feel what was happening in my body – this was the first step.”
Choosing to stop eating gluten and dairy had incredible health benefits for me and although it was a bit stop-start at the beginning, with one step forward and two steps back, it exposed so much about my relationship with my body and food. I found that in going gluten, dairy and sugar free my body got really loud at letting me know what supported it and what made it feel terrible. I found along the way I gave up other things like alcohol, yeast, salt and caffeine as well.
Bridging Foods is a book that introduces gluten and dairy free cooking at a first glance, but it actually offers so much more if you read beyond the front cover. It supports everyone because it asks you to stop and consider your food choices and look at whether they harm or heal your body. What food does your body feel to eat?
Feeling what to eat throws out all of the ideals and beliefs around diet, eating regimes and food fads. You are left with the knowing that your body will tell you what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat.
This is a cookbook for everyone.
Filed under
Gluten free, Dairy free, Teenagers, Drugs, Alcohol