Ovarian cancer – what’s happening to women? Reading the signs

Ovarian cancer – what’s happening to women? Reading the signs
Recently the headlines of three articles in a wide-circulation women’s magazine I glimpsed at the hairdresser’s, read:
“Why French cheese, wine, and dark chocolate can keep you slim and healthy – new research from London University Professor of Epidemiology”
“Women’s netball hardens up – new gladiators about to step into the arena”
“Every ten hours a woman in Australia dies of ovarian cancer”
We often blame the media for their manipulative ways, but what if magazines are simply reflecting back to us the current trajectory we ourselves have chosen – revealing a clear roadmap of what is going down in our society? The content of the articles in this particular edition of the women’s magazine informs us that we can safely reach our ‘healthy and slim’ ideal by consuming chocolate, French cheese and wine, because a university professor’s research says so.
It also celebrates the hardening of women to become as gladiators in the arena of netball and sets these women up as role models for our teenagers. And it urgently calls us to support a cancer campaign because every ten hours a woman in Australia dies of ovarian cancer. That is what the content of the articles is saying. This is what is going on for us as a society.
But what happens if we simply scan, as a constellating cluster, the titles of the articles . . . and see how their conjunction brings its own message and text with a truth we could explore? Because each one of us, when deeply connected, can access an intelligence that knows that everything is interrelated and that nothing is accidental, we can open ourselves up once more to reading the signs all around us.
We, as a humanity, have access to the answers to all our woes. All we have to do is ask the question and the answer is always there, waiting to be read.
We are all expert readers of signs, otherwise advertising with its manipulative semantics of allusion would not work! Take an ad plastered on a phone booth, recently glimpsed out the car window while in a traffic jam:
We see a picture of a red-soil country road heading into the distance with a lone, elegant gum tree spreading its grey-green leaves against the bluest of skies . . . with the word TELSTRA underneath. In Australia, Telstra is a telecommunications network and so we immediately know that the image portrays how it connects us across the great expanses of this Australian sunburnt land. And the underlying message that touches our hearts is ‘Connection’ – we are all longing to feel connection again. The people creating this ad know what they are doing and they know that we are very capable of ‘reading’ the signs and reading between the lines.
So why can we read this Telstra sign yet seemingly pass by the constellation of signs that are all around us?
Nothing can be hidden from us, unless we consent to it. It seems we have unwittingly put a blindfold on, preventing us from connecting the dots, from seeing the messages that are everywhere to be seen.
We have, in the intensity of everyday life, chosen to close down our awareness to our sentient bodies, our true feelings and our capacity to observe life, and in the process we have relinquished the responsibility for our lives and the health of our own bodies, handing them over to . . . to what?
How else can we eat French cheese, consume dark chocolate and drink wine and call it healthy, when everybody knows what these substances do to us physically – certainly they don't make us light and aware. They do not enhance our awareness and they are not designed to. They are designed to dull and distract us from feeling our pain and unease, offering us but a momentary relief. Magazines publish information from ‘experts’ whom we are only too willing to believe, telling us what is ‘healthy’ when we could be listening to the greatest authority on the subject – our own amazing bodies.
In the three headlines of the women’s magazine, the data about what is happening to women is all there, if we follow the trail. Are we willing to join the dots?
Women the world over are hardening up to compete in a man’s world of sport – in soccer, in football, in cricket, and now are being described as Gladiators ‘hardening up’ to go into the Arena of Netball. And if we aren’t hardening our precious, delicate bodies in sport we are most likely doing it in the battle of ‘driving, achieving and competing’ in other diverse arenas. All in the name of a misbegotten translation of what ‘equality’ actually is.
What is the physiological effect of such hardening on the body?
The sensitive connective tissue that protects and supports the blood vessels, muscles, nerves, bones, and the organs of the body contracts when we harden or are hurt. This then influences the state of the organs and structures that the tissue is holding, causing them to distort physically and chemically . . . radically disrupting the natural homeostasis of the body. Continually holding the body in such a hardened state will inevitably cause pain. Have we ever asked what effect this protracted hardening has on the functioning and state of wellbeing of the delicate ovaries of a woman? Already two of the above links (articles) are directly related.
Alongside the championing of cheese, wine and chocolate for health, and the endorsement of ‘hardening’ for women that are being celebrated by that magazine, there is a clear message right in front of us that cannot be denied, and that is:
Every 10 hours a woman in Australia dies of ovarian cancer. And it is a known and proven fact that lifestyle is a significant contributor to the cause of ovarian cancer.[1]
These seemingly unrelated headlines can, if we are connected, deliver a cause and effect message about what is happening to women. Continually hardening the body has an impact on the organs, including the ovaries, and so we crave numbing substances to not feel the pain of what is going on – substances that are detrimental to the very vehicle we inhabit!
We can ‘blame’ the media for their manipulative ways, but is it not we who are actually responsible for our own choices about what we consume and what we buy into, in the way of sports, clothing, food, lifestyle, and forms of self-development?
We can feel for ourselves what effects certain choices are having on the wellbeing of our body, without relying on so-called experts and authorities touted by magazines. Then, and only then, can we lovingly initiate true change; the kind that starts with us.
We know what is happening to women. Let’s choose to read the signs instead of waiting for ovarian cancer or other health issues and come back to the precious women we truly are. We are so worth it.
"Women have forgotten what it is like to self-nurture and they often confuse it with pampering or taking care of themselves. Taking care of oneself and nurturing oneself are two related, but very distinct forms of expression. As a society, losing our femaleness rhythm separates us from our essence and inner connections. Many can take care of themselves, some only just, but few can truly nurture themselves. We need to rekindle the natural emanation of the ovaries so that a woman can return to her natural nurturing ways and with her, all of us."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 531
Filed under
Alcohol, Hardness, Cancer, Self-love, Connective tissue, Women's health