Women’s pictures and expectations on relationships

Women’s pictures and expectations on relationships
Do you find you can have pictures and expectations around what you require from your partner and a relationship? In this episode, Rachel and Ulrike use the real life example of long-distance relationships to explore the pictures we often have of how a relationship should look or be like, and why they are pernicious and counter to the true purpose of being in relationship, resulting in the capping of love on offer.
Women’s pictures and expectations on relationships
"I love you because I work - says the man,
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 268
I love you because I worry more - says the woman.
If we let ideals and beliefs run our lives,
our relationships will be at their mercy instead of
being founded by the truth of our inner-heart.
'Let go of all beliefs and ideals, your inner-heart
knows more than any brain can think of.'"
Filed under
Marriage, Relationships, Expression, Self-worth, Relationship problems