Women's Lifestyle
The fashion industry and true expression
Fashion that doesn’t play by the rules but comes from a livingness? For Industry Professional Adele Leung, fashion is how she lives her life.
‘All that glitters’ … design trends, latest fashion and our self-worth
Is it possible that we are actually caught in this culture or cycle of having the latest and the greatest, the newest and the fastest, the hottest & the sexiest and it’s not actually what we truly want – or who we truly are?
Fashion styling – embracing and appreciating ourselves
Fashion Styling – Embracing and Appreciating ourselves. How do we do this on a budget and yet still find the expression we know we uniquely have?
Women, excessive tiredness and Christmas stress
How many women are left feeling exhausted after the month of December and how long does it take our bodies to recover?
Self-nurturing: a key ingredient in breast cancer support
Self-nurturing: a key ingredient in breast cancer support invites women to consider the importance of deeply caring for themselves during treatment for breast cancer
Is true beauty really in the eye of the beholder?
Everywhere we look we see versions of what women ‘should’ look like to be beautiful – but is this beauty ideal really what it means to be beautiful?
The not so beauty industry
When we say we are inspired by or love a certain picture of a model what is it that we love or are really aspiring towards? How can we deal with the beauty industry’s not so beautiful, but ugly force?