Stillness: a return to being

Stillness: a return to being
Stillness is a quality of being, equally within us all.
Have you ever felt how lovely it is to enjoy the simplicity of being with yourself, like a child who is totally at ease and content in the presence and wonderment of himself – no pressure or need to be anything more than who he is, and no need for anything extra? Experiencing the joy and simple ease of our natural presence and quality is precious.
In contrast, we are continuously inundated by life’s events and enticed by a myriad of distractions that can take us away from ourselves and our innate stillness. We are ‘sold’ the idea that the more we do, the more we have and/or the more we achieve, the more fulfilled we will be – or the greater person we will become. Whether this is by gathering more knowledge, ‘winning’ in any endeavour, accumulating more wealth, purchasing the latest technology, entertainments or travelling... the smorgasbord of possibilities are all there on offer, and the options seemingly endless.
Have we forgotten the power and ease of simply ‘being’?
Have we fallen for the idea that we are not enough and need to be ‘more’?
We are in fact the complete full package and hold within us everything we could ever dream of being.
We all have a quality that resides within us – stillness – a profound depth, ease and spaciousness that can be felt when we are simply being, and not caught in the striving to be more. We also have the ability to re-connect to this natural quality via our own physical bodies.
Through the modality of Esoteric Yoga, also known as the Yoga of Stillness, we have an opportunity to experience what the quality of stillness feels like in the body – to rekindle and develop our relationship with it. This begins with a choice to be in conscious presence with our own bodies, where we bring a focus to the way and quality in which we are moving; that mind and body can be at one in our activity.
"In conscious presence, the Soul is with you. This moment = ONENESS. It is a moment that needs to be made into a way of being by all."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 262
Through being present in this way we become increasingly aware and responsive to how we feel in the body, and the quality we are living in. We are supported to choose a more consistently tender and connected way of being with ourselves, re-building our connection to our natural state of being, our inner stillness, which then becomes something real and sustainable in our lives. We gradually let go of those thoughts that push us to be more, as we discover that in our essence, we are already more than enough.
The stillness within us forever remains untouched by life’s outer busyness, and so provides a steadiness and simplicity – a quality of ‘being’ – that we can take with us into everything we do. This feeling of ‘completeness’ comes from an inner connection, a surrender to our natural state.
Stillness – together with love, truth, joy and harmony – is an integral quality of the soul that can be experienced as a consistent, on-going rhythm or vibration within our body.
Esoteric Yoga offers us the opportunity to get to know and deepen our relationship with the stillness within, and build our own ability to remain in connection with it. Through the simplicity of its movements and the quality of connection we bring to our bodies, we can become aware of the impact of our striving to be more, and restore our ability to simply be – in yoga (union) with who we truly are, in the busyness and activity of our lives today.
"If all motion had stillness as its foundation, the movement of human life would know itself by a harmonious rhythm."
Serge Benhayon Esoteric Teachings & Revelations Volume I, ed 1, p 366
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