Why we love to walk
This article explores the many possibilities of why we love to walk and what is at the very heart of it.
Walking – an opportunity to connect
Walking is something that we do all the time, but are we consciously aware of how we walk, when we walk? Walking can be a great opportunity to connect to how our bodies feel.
Moving as I, affecting the All
Have you ever thought about the fact that how you move has a ripple effect on everything and everyone?
Letting go of pictures around exercise
Do you aim for a specific outcome with exercise and have pictures about how it should look; do you listen to your body? This woman discovered a new way to exercise.
Every movement matters
How do our movements affect the quality of energy flowing through our bodies?
The importance of exercise in our life
We probably all know the importance of exercise in our lives, how exercise is good for us, how it keeps us fit and healthy. But can we say exercise per se makes us healthy and fit and vital, or is it the way we move that does it.
He who controls movement controls it all
I’m sure you’ve heard expressions like ‘you are what you eat’ or ‘your thoughts shape who you become’. What if we are what and how we move?