Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, what a relief.

Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, what a relief.
What a relief is so understated in this instance! Like many people, the average day for me is full of activity with family and work life.
I work in a Work Health and Safety administration role for Defence (ADF) and also provide support in two family businesses. I have always been a very physical person and I am fortunate that I can turn my hand to most any manual/physical task, enjoying garden and home maintenance/renovation work. Unfortunately the application of my physical activities has been limited for many years through my chronic neck, shoulder and back pain.
Normally I would push through the pain as the job had to be completed, which continued to aggravate my condition. I was finding that I could do this less and less and had to rest, lay down, and couldn’t work for up to two and a half days due to headaches and other pain!
I also noticed that I was becoming more irritated and annoyed with people, and yes occasionally I would blow off steam, only to regret doing so later. At 58-years-old, both myself and the health practitioners I was seeing were resigned to the fact that this was my lot in life and it wasn’t going to get any better. I just had to try and manage my pain.
A friend, who had observed that my health was not improving under the care of the health practitioners I had being attending for several years, recommended I make an appointment with a physiotherapist that she had been seeing. I was a little reluctant at first as I had seen several (from Melbourne to Brisbane) and I didn’t see the value in changing physiotherapists again. However... I went along, and since then I have been having sessions of Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy (ECTT) with Kate Greenaway, a physiotherapist who is also a practitioner of this healing modality. I have found that the Esoteric Connective Tissue therapy has helped me immensely.
Due to the amount of support I feel during the sessions I am able to completely relax. Even though the techniques are very gentle and subtle I do feel a healing energetic influence during the sessions.
After a session my body feels more aligned and balanced and I notice that my posture improves. I feel calm, my body also feels lighter and I am more present with myself which allows me to be more gentle with the way I move and how I interact with everything.
Through my sessions with this physiotherapist I have also improved my understanding and knowledge of how the connective tissue of the body interacts with and supports my whole body, including all its organs.
I feel that the changes supported by the ECTT have, over time, allowed me to live almost completely free of my dependency on medication for my back, neck, shoulder pain and headaches. My headaches have decreased by 95% and the discomfort from my neck and back pain has reduced by 85%. Additionally, and very importantly for the health of my liver/organs, I am no longer taking weekly pain relieving medication. I am now able to comfortably get back into a light exercise routine and I am also enjoying short periods of light gardening.
Previously when in pain, I would go to the doctor and other physiotherapists for a fix and dose up on pain reducing medication. One thing I noticed immediately was the difference in approach. This practitioner was there to assist and support me but also gave me a greater understanding that I also have an essential role to perform in my own recovery. Due to this understanding and increased awareness I feel I will continue to improve my health and wellbeing.
Due to the benefits and improvements that I have experienced in my health, through the changes supported by the Esoteric Connective Tissue therapy, I would highly recommend Esoteric Connective Tissue therapy to family and friends, in fact to anyone.
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