Intimacy for men: is it really just about sex?
Intimacy for men, is it really just about sex? Perhaps intimacy is something entirely different that is available to all men.
Developing confidence from within
There is a link between confidence and conscious presence. Connection with the body supports us to bring an inner steadiness and ease to whatever comes our way in life.
I may not be a scientist, but I’ve always been a why-entist
What if all we truly needed to gain a better understanding of ourselves, others and the world we live in was to simply nurture that innate curiosity we engendered as a child, and begin to use the interrogative word WHY to bring a deeper understanding to the true nature of our reality?
Turning a blind eye to suicide
Why are the devastating numbers of death by suicide not making front page and news headlines everywhere, every single day? Does it have to be someone we actually love for it to affect and shock us into seeing the reality of how great an issue death by suicide really is?
Forgive them for they know not what they do
There is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so what is the difference that could really make a difference?
Who is the true Henry David Thoreau?
Henry David Thoreau – rarely has there been a writer who can convey such deep philosophy with so few poignantly chosen words. Philosopher, inventor, writer, abolitionist… a polarising figure both during and after his life, he was more a servant to truth than he was to society.
What is the true meaning of the word evolution and why do we spend so much time avoiding it?
Origins of yoga postures – a closer look at the purpose of yoga asana
Downward dog anyone? The purpose of yoga posture and asana in today's yoga classes – have we been moving with the times?
Box ticking or true wellbeing in schools?
Teacher wellbeing is an item that is firmly on the agenda and school leaders are being asked to ensure action is taken to address it, but are we hitting the mark?
The corruption of true female empowerment
Women work so hard to live up to all the expectations placed on them, yet it isn’t working. What are we all missing here when it comes to the true empowerment of women?
Weight loss shakes: diet or dessert?
Constantly seeking the holy grail of weight loss? Exploring the shocking truth of weight loss shakes.
The Truth revealed
My whole life I had a strong knowing that there was something incredibly important missing. Understanding the truth of energetic integrity and responsibility completely turned my life around from living in a state of emotional highs and lows that had become my norm, to living with true vitality.
When work hurts
Emotional hurts at work happen every day, but what harm are they really doing to everyone in the workplace, and how can that sometimes hidden protagonist be uncovered and healed?
The science behind The Way of The Livingness – a relationship with sensitivity and God
Theosophy, faith, reason… so begins the conversation whenever religion is mentioned. But True religion starts with the awakening of our sensitivity…
What is energetic awareness and why do we fight it?
A new Mother’s Day message – awakening the mothering qualities within us all
We all have had different experiences of being mothered. What if this Mother’s Day we allowed ourselves to stop and consider if the ultimate expression of mothering went way beyond the usual definitions?
Lifestyle vs. Livingness
This article explores the difference between lifestyle and livingness and how living life from your true essence leads you to healthy living.
Comparison: the unspoken side of being pregnant, giving birth and mothering
Being pregnant, giving birth and mothering are usually much anticipated and regarded as special parts of many women’s lives. But rather than enjoying this period, women are often left feeling unsettled and unfulfilled, yet find it hard to work out why.
Young men give their experiences on how they have overcome some of the pressures in today’s society
Hear how some young men are dealing with the pressures placed on them by society around male body image, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices.
Young men give their experiences on the challenges they face in today’s society
Young men are constantly presented with stereotypical images of men and their behaviours around such issues as the male body image, alcohol consumption and other lifestyle choices. What pressure does this put on them?