To dairy or to dairy free? Our body holds the answer ...
Are dairy products really supporting our bodies and our well-being? Read on to find pages that support – where you can be your own scientist, letting your own body tell you what is right for you.
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.
Exhaustion and burnout ... let's take responsibility
Can we really blame work for us feeling exhausted and burnt out? Or is there more to the stresses and challenges of modern day working life that we can actually take responsibility for and not feel so exhausted.
The world I live in
Can you live in this crazy world but not be a product of the world?
Our relationship with sleep
Is it possible to have a great relationship with sleep and truly value what it brings to our body and daily life? Explore these simple tips to make your sleep restful and rejuvenating.
Are you eating more than food?
Does what you see, hear and feel have as much impact on your health and wellbeing as what you eat? Get ready for a potentially life changing look at everything you do.
Work – Do we consider it a burden or a joy?
Many of us have a precarious relationship with work where we want the financial rewards and accolades, but still can’t wait to escape and seek relief in whatever way we can. What are we missing?
Does life really have to be so complex?
Our struggle with body image
What is it that drives us to feel compelled to remodel and even disfigure our bodies?
Building a relationship with the body and food – a personal story
Together we had little notion that developing such a relationship with the body and the food we ate would reap such abundant health, clarity and wellbeing, coupled with a natural balancing of our body weight.
Sex, love and married life
I was a shy child and never really felt like I connected to anyone growing up, so it was a surprise, or maybe I should call it a relief, that a man would take an interest in me at the age of 19.
If my self-care is on point, why don’t I feel great?
So, you’ve got your self-care routine nailed, but you feel exhausted, anxious, out of sorts, reactive or your relationship is not on track. Perhaps something is missing...
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
To exercise or exorcise, that is the question…
We all have some level of understanding what exercise is, even though it may be different one to another. But have you considered what is actually happening when you exercise and that it may be more than what you can physically see?
Popularity versus Truth
From very young we sense there is a choice – to be ‘popular’, be rewarded, accepted and be part of human life, or to hold the truth of who we are and the love that we come from.
Are they men’s health magazines, or just more toxic masculinity?
Magazines on men’s health are pushing an unhealthy lifestyle whist doing nothing to address what is really going on with men’s health.
Sensitivity – curse or greatest gift there is?
It was not until in my fifties that I began to understand that my sensitivity was actually normal and wonderful and not a curse. Sensitivity has been my ally, my constant companion, my strength, my teacher and my ultimate offering to those around me.
Rise in breast cancer and Serge Benhayon’s 1999 prediction
We continue to keep ourselves in the illusion of the claim that we are winning the ‘war’ on breast cancer because we have better drugs and treatments which result in longer survival rates whilst still great many women are being diagnosed with breast cancer. Whatever smarty-pants answers we may come up with, they are not even worthy of mention and here is why…
The confusion of the food industry
Confused by all the contradictions of what healthy food is? We delve into nutrition facts and how to eat healthy.
What’s self-love got to do with pregnancy and stillbirth?
Experiencing a stillbirth is difficult for women and those around them. Yet, healing from the experience may not as impossible as it seems.