Grand Designs Part 1 – The shape I am
When your body’s shape looks strange, it’s easy to feel like there is something wrong with you. Read how one man’s life was transformed by reconnecting to The Ageless Wisdom.
Walking with conscious presence
When we are present with our movements, we are developing a connection with ourselves that supports our state of being such that mental and emotional states such as anxiousness, stress or depression cannot so easily take hold.
Union within
How can exploring the union between your body and mind deepen the quality of your everyday life?
How can I care for myself at work?
Work can be very stressful from time to time. If that is the case, how can we care for ourselves at work?
My life – discovering that there is so much more
‘I feel I have completed the circle’ – from experiencing near death to truly living in my body. A story of discovering that there is so much more to life and death.
Gestational diabetes mellitus - a nuisance or opportunity for growth?
Gestational diabetes mellitus is growing at a phenomenal rate … Imagine if gestational diabetes was viewed as a blessing in pregnancy and all pregnancy care around this condition supported women to see it as an opportunity for personal growth?
What is work life balance for women? Does it really exist?
How do women return to a natural flow instead of the unnatural busy, rushed, overloaded way of living and striving for work/ life balance at the expense of themselves?
My Addiction to Marijuana
How did this woman stop smoking marijuana after being addicted to it for 33 years? When even the diagnosis of breast cancer and having two young children was not enough to get her to stop?
Sleep is part of our daily medicine
What if how we sleep, which then affects how we live, is part of our daily medicine?
When you’ve gotta go…. you’ve just got to go
Can self-care be as simple as taking a toilet break?
Taste sensation: does it rule our food choices?
Are we eating for taste or for nourishment? How much are our food choices ruled by how sensational something tastes in our mouths, instead of what our body truly needs and wants?
The way we are living is killing us
We consider illness and disease to be ‘bad’ but the way we are living is killing us, albeit slowly. What if they are messages from your body calling you back to being truly caring and loving of yourself?
It's not normal to live in pain
With nearly 1 person in every family in Australia experiencing chronic pain, has pain become something we regard as normal? Physiotherapist Kate Greenaway shares how understanding the role of connective tissue can help people lessen their chronic pain.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Living your own medicine
Exploring the possibility that the way we live is a form of medicine.
The history of Sacred Esoteric Healing
A brief review of the history of Sacred Esoteric Healing, stating that true healing of an ill has always encompassed more than just the removal of symptoms but rather is the removal of the energy that causes the symptoms.
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message For 2014
Many use the ‘New Year’ period as a time to reflect - which can be a casual or deep consideration that leaves one truly contemplating what has occurred and what has not. Read on ...
The state of our health
Worldwide, people tend to rely on medical systems and science to explain and treat illness and disease. But what’s our part at the individual level?
The House of Mirrors
We look to mirrors to confirm how we are, but is what we see true to life? Or is there more going on than meets the eye?
Self Care – it isn’t what you think
Could self-care be as simple as connecting with and feeling what your body needs in any given moment?