Exercise – it’s all in the movement
How much do we enjoy our exercise? Do we see it as a chore or is it something we actually look forward to every day?
Despite the billions spent in pharmaceuticals, technology and healthcare, illness and disease continues to rise – so what is going on and what does that mean for all of us?
The suicide rate in older women: a real women’s health issue
What if the rate of suicide in older women was not a symptom of the ‘ageing’ process per se, but rather was far more multifaceted in terms of contributing factors?
What do we demand from our diet?
Do we have demands on ourselves when we go on a diet to lose weight?
Work, mothering and female empowerment part 2 – getting to the truth of it
The pictures we hold around mothering, attaining a work-life balance and the quest for workplace gender equality rarely match the reality of women’s lives. Is there more to understanding true female empowerment than what we have been led to believe?
Junk food: giving something up or letting it go?
The difference between trying to give something up or just letting it go is huge. It’s something we all come to experience and would be great to master
The study, revelation and prophecy
The ultimate ill is not the shifting of the people or the budget, but the mass movement of the ills in our homes. Should we therefore not be constantly questioning if the study of the end-effect in its current form is sufficient for the evolution of the planet and its 7.7 billion inhabitants?
Chronic pain
Chronic Pain is something that affects many people worldwide and there seems to be a long way to go to fully understand how and why it occurs… here physiotherapist Andrew Mooney offers us a deeper understanding.
Painful sex or making love post menopause?
Painful sex after menopause is accepted by many women as ‘just the way it is’. What if understanding the difference between making love and having sex was an important key to remedying this situation?
Anxiety in relationships
Are we living with increased anxiety and being oblivious to how this is affecting our relationships?
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding – what is truly on offer?
Do we take breastfeeding and bottle feeding for granted as a mere functional part of caring for a child – or is there an opportunity for much more when we place a baby onto our breast or give them a bottle?
The impact of diet on our Livingness
Is it possible to change two things in life and live a more vital life? Check out how Nicole has done just that and made a huge improvement to her health and vitality.
Depression in men – the awareness within
Depression in Men leaves us feeling isolated and overwhelmed, shrouded in a state of hopelessness. Could reconnecting to our body and being more aware of our movements set us on the path out of this male depression?
Gender equality – does it start with women’s responsibility to themselves?
Women have been trying to gain gender equality from men for centuries, so what is our responsibility as women to ensure this happens?
How I quit drinking and felt more confident
Alcohol has been a part of my life for a good 13 years, until I quit drinking 2 years ago. And in that time, I don’t think I’ve ever really enjoyed the taste; it has always been about how it has made me feel – or not feel.
Terminating a pregnancy – a woman’s decision
Why a woman must always make a decision in her life from her body first, including when it comes to considering terminating a pregnancy.
Good medicine starts with you breathing you
Learn about how good medicine starts with your breath, and living you every day.
The sexualisation of the young – learning a Social Script through pornography and the rise of new sexual and reproductive health issues
Do you think porn is ‘in’ and a modern way to learn about sex? Just have a look at the new sexual and reproductive health issues and you will see a subscription to abuse and violence.
Quality of movement = Quality of life
What if the way in which we move determines not only the quality of our own life, but has a ripple effect upon all of life?
Women, excessive tiredness and Christmas stress
How many women are left feeling exhausted after the month of December and how long does it take our bodies to recover?