Cancer – why me?
Why do I have cancer? A common question that medicine has not been able to answer. Could the answer require understanding who we truly are?
We know more than we think
We know more than we think, learning to trust the wisdom of our bodies, trusting what we feel, we know how to read energy.
Function, harmony and health
We are told that to be healthy we need to achieve a level of physical fitness, but even super-fit athletes get sick, so why are we placing value on our physical condition ahead of the quality and harmony that is needed to support our body?
Why can’t we say ‘healing’ in conventional medicine?
Healing is something natural and innate, so why don’t doctors like or trust the word healing? Has the word ‘healing’ been bastardised?
Introduction to Esoteric Massage
Brief introduction to Esoteric Massage
Three great reasons to ditch your New Year's resolutions before you even make them and how to make true change instead ...
How often do we make New Year resolutions to get ourselves fit and well only to find they we have made ourselves empty promises again? This article challenges this yearly practice by offering another way to make lasting change in our lives.
Our universal relationship – have we checked our inbox lately?
God and the Universe are ceaselessly communicating all that we need for the growth and evolution of our race. Are we aware of receiving this or is something getting in the way?
The loveless mind
The true answers which we seek, the true love which we seek, will never come from the loveless mind, only ever from the inner-heart.
Period pain 101
A natural fertility educator discusses how period pain occurs and explores the causes that may be leading to this experience.
Healing from birth trauma
The rates of birth trauma are growing worldwide and the alarm bells are ringing loudly. What then is needed for true healing?
The not-so-secret secret of how music informs and forms us
Just like fashion, music styles reinvent rapidly – never have there been so many genres to cover every aspect of the human condition on a global scale. How does music married to lifestyle influence the way we view life, what choices we make, our behaviours and even the words we speak?
Reclaiming our mental health
Ill mental health has become the norm these days despite a concerted effort to find solutions. Isn’t it time that we broadened the scope of how we understand the whole concept of mental health and wellbeing?
Breaking the workplace
Workplaces are a hive being busy, regardless of the cost in lost productivity and workforce wellbeing. Work is essential for us to be able to live – but what if how we live is essential to how we work?
Food and conscious presence
In the midst of an avalanche of health advice, there is an aspect to our diet that hasn’t gotten quite so much light: the actual way that we eat.
Health at every size – or is it?
Positive body image aside, does Health at Every Size (HAES) weight management support us to be healthy?
What is Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy?
A simple, yet powerfully effective treatment that works directly with the energy flowing through the connective tissue system
What is Chakra-puncture?
Chakra-puncture is a complementary healing modality that consists of needles applied very lightly to the skin to support energetic balance and order.
Pre-natal and post-natal depression and mental health issues in the perinatal period – what are we missing?
There is a huge amount of advice and support available for women during the peri-natal period, yet women are increasingly struggling with mental health issues such as pre and post-natal depression, anxiety, self-harming and suicidal thoughts and behaviours. This situation naturally calls us to ask ‘why; what’s the part are we not truly understanding?’.
Food for the Soul
What is Soul food? How does the Soul use food to support the human body?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Shakespeare’s theatre of the absurd
Shakespeare’s first play about the unseen world of spirits and invisible forces unravels the utter absurdity of how humanity operates under their influence, and how we so easily get lost in the tangled drama of emotional love without ever questioning its source.