What is Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy?

What is Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy?
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy (ECTT) is a gentle hands-on energetic healing modality. It is a very simple, yet as many who have experienced it will attest, powerfully effective treatment that works directly with the energy flowing through the connective tissue system in order to support and restore the natural balance of the whole body.
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy works on a deep foundational level in the body’s systems, enabling it to facilitate in a vast array of energetic, physical and emotional conditions including, as many recipients have also stated, common musculoskeletal ailments.
The connective tissue is our body’s soft tissue framework – it is within and around our organs, muscles, tendons and bones and it supports and connects all these structures as a whole. This is what makes this modality so profound – as it is the combination of working with the energetic flow along with the finest mechanics of the human body, allowing for an enriching and very deep healing session.
How does it work?
As with other Esoteric modalities, a practitioner of Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy is there to assist with the healing process – they are not the 'healer'. The techniques involved are specific to aid in true re-harmonising for the client physically, emotionally and energetically. Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy is a non-imposing modality that works with the body’s innate rhythm and flow. It is experienced in many clients that by facilitating the body to establish its own connection and communication, Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy allows the client’s energetic pulse and connective tissue system to re-align, creating a natural restoration of the body’s harmonious flow.
This powerful modality is enriching to receive; it is a great support for people of all ages and a great support for the body in everyday life.
Many recipients have stated that they have experienced the release and improvement of a vast array of energetic, physical and emotional conditions, including common musculoskeletal ailments. The Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy has supported many with soft tissue healing whereby the tissue heals in an ordered way that retains its flexibility.
For the person emotionally and energetically, it allows an energetic expansion and an increased energetic flow throughout the whole body. This assists the whole body to return to its natural state of balance and harmony, which helps restore its true vitality.
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