All the fuss over a hat
It sounds like the start of a joke, but it could well be the reason for much of the unrest in the world
Has genetics failed us?
We think we inherit our health issues from our parents, so we say things run in the family, that it’s genetic. Do our genes set us up for a predetermined destiny, or are we overlooking something?
Spotlight on sugar
Giving up sugar; from the impossible to the possible – it can be done, as we begin to love our own natural sweetness and graceful beauty.
My understanding of abuse
Could it be that by limiting our understanding of abuse we fail to see that we are all being abused constantly?
Stars and Astrology and Us
Astrology – does it really define what we are like? Is it our true relationship with the stars and constellations?
The joy of gentle exercise
Gill explores the joy that can be found in gentle exercise.
Good real estate… It’s hard to find
Our human real estate – our body – is depreciating, with no end in sight to this cycle. When and how will this cycle turn around?
Ovarian cancer – what’s happening to women? Reading the signs
What is happening to women today? We have access to the answers to all our woes, all we have to do is ask the question and the answer is always there waiting to be read.
Life after crutches
The amazing story of an older woman’s journey from searching for healing and needing all sorts of crutches to get through life, to learning that what she truly needed was connection to her own soul.
Sexiness in the older woman – not related to age, sex or good looks!
When I was young I had lots of energy, I had an enormous social life and I was very interested in having a lot of sex. Then I got ‘older’.
Sex Education – where are we at?
Where are we heading to if our tech savvy and well-informed young live by a sense of sexual normality that is based on abuse and violence?
Esoteric Yoga: union with me and God – at last
Looking for Union – I am often asked if I do yoga and my answer has been, “yes I do, but no, not in the way I used to practise and teach it”.
The true test of science is how it faces the unknown
Science has so much to offer humanity, but seems limited by how it reacts to what is doesn’t know.
Saying no to dieting: Weight loss with awareness
Is dieting a mere distraction from exploring why we are carrying excess weight? Read how one woman lost weight once she refocussed on what was driving her actions.
Purposeful fitness training
Practical tips to create a supportive gym workout plan that supports health and vitality. With the simple purpose to move our body and muscles and have the opportunity to feel the entire body working.
Living medicine by understanding cancer
It’s time to understand cancer and stop losing the battle to fight it.
Chakra-Puncture turned my life around
In this honest and powerful account of facing what is often a challenging time for many people, Heather Pope shares how with the support of Chakra-puncture she experienced a complete U-turn to living a joyful and purposeful life.
We have to live medicine
If medicine means to heal in full, what does that signify and how does that apply to us? Everything we do every day has an impact on our body – medicine is made up of the choices of how we live.
Food, family cultures and our (not so) hidden attitudes towards food
Is our attitude to food like a formula one race pit stop - necessary but not truly valued, and an interruption to other more important things? Do we rather keep those around us happy when it comes to food choices, than be true to our own bodies!
Exercise – it doesn’t need to be hard work
Exercise doesn’t need to be a strain or a chore. It can be a natural simple way to care for yourself with gentleness that helps you reconnect to your body and you, and to really enjoy your body.