Back pain – what can I do?
Have you ever suffered from back pain? It is one of the commonest conditions experienced by people and is a major cause of suffering and sick leave.
Weight Loss and Living with Contentment
If I could use one word to express my life now it would be contentment. This has not always been the case. My life used to be a constant wave of ups and downs...
Alcohol consumption: Is there a recommended daily intake?
Dr. Amelia Stephens busts the myths behind “recommended daily drinking”
A diet of treats and rewards
Why do we crave treats and rewards; what do they do for us? Is it possible to imagine living life without them?
The best pregnancy advice EVER!
Pregnancy is a time of enormous change and new beginnings and when looking for the best advice ever, who better to consult than a mother of seven!
Drinking time – what is our measure of acceptable drinking?
What defines a moment as being acceptable to drink alcohol?
Hairdressing revisited after fibromyalgia
Nicole explains how she has successfully returned to hairdressing after suffering with Fibromyalgia
Coffee snob no more
From drinking 15 cups of coffee a day to understanding that the issue was not the coffee but my lifestyle.
How to be in full time work and loving it
From withdrawal to being inspired to work full-time once again. Read how Jen now loves her work.
Fat Attack: shaming obesity does not work
When we attack fat by shaming obesity, we call it ‘bad’ instead of seeing it as the result of the emptiness, sadness and disconnection that it truly is. No diet or willpower can fix obesity – reconnection to the beauty within is the key.
Yeshua, by the Christians known as Jesus
Read this revelatory article about Jesus, who was known in his time as Yeshua, and discover what his true purpose was – a far cry from the story the Christian Church made us believe to fit their version of Christianity.
Championing the myth of living longer
People are living longer. Do we consider how they are living and what quality of life they have in their final decades? Is it truly living if we are medicated, drugged and artificially sustaining life in a body that is carrying so much illness and disease?
The Teacher of All Teachers
There are qualities of a true teacher that can only be confirmed by feeling it for yourself. Serge Benhayon, through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and the consistency and beauty of his lived way, will one day be known in the hearts of man to be the teacher of all teachers.
Healthy Living
What really is healthy living; is it being free of illness and disease or does it go deeper than that?
It’s in the way he moves
The Ageless Wisdom presents that the quality of our movement affects the quality of our being. Recently, Joel Levin embarked on a journey – Sacred Movement – to put this wise old adage to the test…
It is important to understand what Prana is because used in the wrong way it causes great harm.
Is there such a thing as ‘healthy’ sugar?
We have been led to believe that there is such a thing as healthy sugar, but this is just not true...and here’s why.
Universal Medicine Therapies
Universal Medicine Therapies are popular healing modalities that are being practised all over the world, not only by complementary to medicine practitioners but professionals from all walks of life.
Combining sacred esoteric healing with medicine
To truly heal illness and disease do we need more than conventional medicine alone?
Choosing our way out of depression
One person’s experience with depression — How they found their choices resulted in depletion and therefore depression, and how they made choices that supported them out of it.