When it comes to food – let your body speak
The food we eat can transform how we feel in our body, and assist in wellbeing, energy levels and clarity of mind.
Conscious presence, whole-body-mindedness and the fallacy of the observer
Do you find your mind being either ahead of or trailing behind the physical body; being in the anticipated future or in the already lived past? Enter movement and conscious presence…
How to listen to your body
Our body is constantly communicating with you, but are you listening or do you have your fingers in your ears? Listening to your body is really very simple . . .
The first visit to the gym – working with our body, not against it
Why breathe gently when working out at the gym, is that even possible?
Building a relationship with the body and food – a personal story
Together we had little notion that developing such a relationship with the body and the food we ate would reap such abundant health, clarity and wellbeing, coupled with a natural balancing of our body weight.
The placebo effect – evidence the body heals itself
People often report improvement in symptoms despite being prescribed a medication that is not real. Is this evidence that the body can heal itself?
Letter to my body – from trash-tip to temple
When your body is pining for more sleep, asks for nourishing food and to be honoured, held and cherished like the Temple that it is, what do you do? What treatment do you offer back to your body?
Chronic discomforts – the relationship between men’s bodies and their daily choices
As men we have become used to living with daily pain. But should this be normal, is there a different way, and is our body telling us more than we think?
The way we move shapes our bodies
When we look at people’s bodies as they age, it is easy to see how a person has lived – stooped over, bent over with aches and pains, twisted spines, waddling ways of walking, osteoarthritis of the hips and lower spines. But what is it that shaped the body this way?
Serge Benhayon and Sacred Esoteric Healing – True Intelligence comes from our body
Many people in their lives have a moment where they make a different choice in a situation or they meet a person that will forever change the course of their life. For me, a woman dedicated to physiotherapy and healing, it was when I met Serge Benhayon.
The body knows more about dairy than science
Should we strictly rely on outside sources for our diet, or can we listen to our inner nutritionist?
Exercise and movement – a loving relationship with our bodies, or social compliance?
Why is it that we exercise? Are we striving for the body perfect, a target weight, attracting Mr or Mrs Right – or are we connecting with our bodies from a place of respect and care and exercising to thrive in and adore the lives we lead?
The Battle for the Body – Part 2: Male versus Female
What is the real reason behind the seeming divide between male and female?
Elongate your posture: simple connective tissue exercises to support your body
Take a few precious moments and feel wonderful – breathing exercises for posture and some simple connective tissue exercises to deeply support the body’s fascia.
Body Image
How we feel about our body image is influenced by TV, magazines, clothes. What if we can learn to build a true relationship with body image and embrace our true weight?
Your body and disease – what does it all mean?
Is there more to disease and illness than we allow ourselves to see? Could it be possible that there are deeper reasons for it happening?
Body posture
Good posture isn’t just about having a straight spine, nor is it about being rigid in the way we are with our body. Find out how a quality posture can support you.
Whole body mindedness and working out in the gym
Working out in the gym doesn’t have to be about more, faster or harder; there is another way and that way is about whole body-mindedness, the intelligence of the body.
The body’s intelligence
Why do we not place as much importance on the intelligence of the body as we do on the intelligence that comes from the brain?
Body image – inside out
Body image - Why and when did dissatisfaction with our outer appearance arise?