Serge Benhayon and Sacred Esoteric Healing – True Intelligence comes from our body

Serge Benhayon and Sacred Esoteric Healing – True Intelligence comes from our body
Many people in their lives have a moment where they make a different choice in a situation or they meet a person that will forever change the course of their life. For me it was when I met Serge Benhayon (founder and director of Universal Medicine). I met him through a fellow physiotherapist friend in 1998. Before I met Serge I was a woman who dedicated herself to being a ‘good’ person, and the best I could be for my clients in my physiotherapy work.
I drove myself to find the most unimposing way to treat people’s chronic pain and physical problems, as the standard protocol treatments were not helping these people in the long term. I loved the body’s natural intelligence and how it knew how to heal itself, but there were plenty of times I was frustrated knowing I wasn’t truly helping this process. Ironically, in this search I was looking outside of myself for all the answers and there was a deep dis-ease in me as, looking back, I realised I was living disconnected from myself and my body.
When I met Serge Benhayon there was something so true in this man and it was like I had known him all my life.
At this time he was working in the sport’s field and had been doing hands on healing and bodywork to complement people’s healing and assist the treatment they were having with conventional medicine. I had come from such an intellectual science background but so much I had learned from textbooks didn’t add up when I felt people’s bodies, so I had a fascination, with a slight dose of scepticism, with what Serge was doing.
Serge and I had many conversations about the body, its way of healing itself, its natural intelligence and how so much of this is not part of the health education for all health practitioners. I have always tested treatment modalities by having them done on me so I could really feel what they were doing to the body. With this in mind, I started having treatments with Serge and I will always remember our first session.
For a few months before the first session I suffered a resurgence of chronic pain in my lower back as well as right pelvic pain, which was 15 years old.
In that first session there was so much more than the physical healing that went on. All Serge knew about me was that my name was Kate, I was a physiotherapist and I was good at sport.
When I was with him in the session all my age-old protection and hurts of not being seen, heard and met started melting away. Here was a man who held me in such love and appreciation – it allowed me to soften, relax and not be so in my intellectual space of wanting to know everything; I could just let go and feel my body. He said to me, “what was it like at 7 years old to have your mother say . . . . ?” It was like, for him, my life and being was as easy to read as an open book.
Now to be honest, this was pretty challenging for me to feel, as in an instant I knew this man lived the truth that I had been ‘sort of’ searching for, but at the same time I was avoiding the responsibility of living this truth myself.
The important thing was I felt so safe and so held. As I lay on my back fully clothed, he treated me with Sacred Esoteric Healing (SEH) by putting his hands on my heart area, my head and my knees; it was different to anything I had ever felt before.
It was so gentle, and a soothing warmth started rising in my body. On one level I could feel all the tension in my body from living such a driven, disconnected life, but at the same time I also felt a deeper calm and loveliness that I knew was there from when I was a playful, joyful little girl. This was a feeling I had forgotten for a long, long time.
That session changed my life forever. I had Sacred Esoteric Healing (SEH) sessions with Serge every 2 weeks for a few months and I started to slowly open up to the deep gentleness in me, which supported me to feel that it was safe to connect and feel my body’s natural intelligence and not drive everything from my intellect.
From the consistent love and support of Serge Benhayon and with the true healing support of SEH, one of the greatest learnings for me was that true intelligence and wisdom come from my body.
Connecting to my body and this intelligence and wisdom helped me to connect to the wisdom in my clients’ bodies. This enhanced my physiotherapy skills in bodywork that I had learned from all the years I had worked with people. When working as a practitioner, using intellectual knowledge without any connection to one’s own or the client’s body can be quite directive and imposing on the client. When I am connected to my body’s intelligence and wisdom, I have a sense of how to support my client and their body to assist its healing process.
For over 15 years after I met Serge I literally unlearned the secure constructs of intellectually driven reasoning and ideals that dictated how I treated myself and others, and opened up more and more to letting my body guide me to live in a naturally gentle and self loving way.
A simple example of this is, that instead of thrashing out 30 laps of a 25 metre pool because that would be ‘good ‘ for me, I now do gentle walking and exercises for my arms, legs and body and a few laps of freestyle or kick boarding in the water if I feel like it.
It is way more enjoyable and with this kinder, truer way of living, my body is far less tense and I’m not overweight now: on top of that I have no more back or pelvic pain.
There were beautiful shifts that happened in my relationship with myself… and others too.
I used to hate being a woman when I was younger and now I love being a woman – I really enjoy my body, I can appreciate my beauty and natural sassiness and I have far more vitality as a 54 year old woman than when I was 34.
I am way more open and loving to myself and all others, I treat my clients with far more respect and tenderness and I’m seeing and feeling each person as equally important as each other.
I continue to receive SEH sessions from trained and accredited practitioners as well as some of the other powerfully healing Esoteric modalities that have been founded and developed by Serge Benhayon, such as Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, Esoteric Massage and Esoteric Chakra Puncture.
From all I have experienced in hands on healing and treatment modalities I can say with complete confidence and from my lived experiences that Esoteric Healing modalities support people to truly heal old emotional and physical hurts that keep them locked away from their truth, their deep gentleness, and love.
Filed under
Performance management, Massage, Fitness, Evidence-based, Connective tissue, Back pain