Serge Benhayon

Serge Benhayon
What Clients Say
Burnt-out ‘Healer’ and the Ageless Wisdom teachings
The turnaround, after a healing session with Serge Benhayon, was so remarkable it was impossible to ignore or deny the immediate impact and efficacy. In no more than a few months I had completely turned around my current state of exhaustion and ill health.
Serge Benhayon and Sacred Esoteric Healing – True Intelligence comes from our body
Many people in their lives have a moment where they make a different choice in a situation or they meet a person that will forever change the course of their life. For me, a woman dedicated to physiotherapy and healing, it was when I met Serge Benhayon.
About Serge Benhayon
After suffering from depression and giving up on the idea that life could ever be different or ‘better, Gabriele Conrad met Serge Benhayon. “Nothing and nobody had delivered, not even psychoanalysis and homoeopathy, and no bodywork modality or new age therapy had done the trick either.”
Making a difference by implementing energetic integrity in healing.
Practitioner Mary Louise Myers experiences first-hand how implementing energetic responsibility and integrity into her life brings a whole new dimension of true healing.
Serge Benhayon – understanding true healing and the role of the client
Too often practitioners forget the important role the client has to play in their own healing. Serge Benhayon takes our understanding of the client/practitioner relationship to a new level
A 180 degree turn around
Karin Becker is recounting her healing of 6 years of post-traumatic stress disorder due to cancer death in the family.
Redefining creativity … a career re-ignited
Meeting Serge Benhayon in 2001 ultimately change my creative expression through and through.