Shopping in the humble backyard
Vast tracts of land grow drugs or spew contaminants into the atmosphere, yet the humble backyard lies dormant, at the ready to feed us the kind of quality food no big business can.
A mirror’s reflection
I realised that sitting for up to an hour in front of myself while at the hairdresser created a feeling of unease and real discomfort. I simply could not face my own reflection.
How many of us truly know and live the sacredness we all innately are? Find out more about sacredness and how to reconnect to and live it in our everyday lives.
The face of Sacredness
There is nothing more beautiful, divinely authoritative, and rich as a woman in her Sacredness, she is a leading light in every way. And every woman holds this essence in spades.
Finding my way out of mental illness
I saw the world as a harsh scary place where you had to be tough in order to survive, and I didn’t see how gentleness could help me survive it.
A move away from distraction
Have you ever had the experience of setting out from home to go to work only to arrive and realise that you aren’t even sure how you got there?
Anxiety and a ‘good’ life
I used to be very anxious. As a young woman I tried to be a ‘good’ person and live a ‘good’ life, taking on certain behaviours that I now see were my attempts to cope with anxious thoughts and feelings.
The new genetics and Science of Divine Religion
Why is one person so uniquely different from another? Whatever has originated the extra-human that separates one person from another, it is cunningly intelligent.
The marriage of Modern-day Medicine and Esoteric Medicine
With the striking reality of a global health catastrophe imminent, is modern day Medicine alone the salvation that 7.7 billion people need if we are to sustain a healthy, joyful, loving global community? What is medicine that is ‘Universal’, and how can it bring greater wisdom to our growing dilemma?
Rise in breast cancer and Serge Benhayon’s 1999 prediction
We continue to keep ourselves in the illusion of the claim that we are winning the ‘war’ on breast cancer because we have better drugs and treatments which result in longer survival rates whilst still great many women are being diagnosed with breast cancer. Whatever smarty-pants answers we may come up with, they are not even worthy of mention and here is why…
Returning to a religious way of life
Whether we wait until that life changing moment hits, or whether we decide to look at it sooner, there is the opportunity for us, at all stages in life, to connect to something deeper.
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
What’s self-love got to do with pregnancy and stillbirth?
Experiencing a stillbirth is difficult for women and those around them. Yet, healing from the experience may not as impossible as it seems.
My experience with Serge Benhayon
‘What kind of role model was I really following?’ Read Inma Lorente’s experience of finding the most inspiring role model of her life.
Origins of yoga postures – a closer look at the purpose of yoga asana
Downward dog anyone? The purpose of yoga posture and asana in today's yoga classes – have we been moving with the times?
What is a true teacher?
Is a teacher someone who imparts knowledge – or does a true teacher simply awaken everything that you already equally know?
The Truth revealed
My whole life I had a strong knowing that there was something incredibly important missing. Understanding the truth of energetic integrity and responsibility completely turned my life around from living in a state of emotional highs and lows that had become my norm, to living with true vitality.
Lifestyle vs. Livingness
This article explores the difference between lifestyle and livingness and how living life from your true essence leads you to healthy living.
Two years in The Livingness
How does a social butterfly reconnect to a depth of beauty and richness that no amount of socialising can bring? Read Kyveli’s story for inspiration of how simple it can be.