Why can’t I lose weight?
Losing weight has more to do with a connection to ourselves, than to the best diet in the world.
Weight loss from the inside out
Losing weight by dieting and exercise alone can’t be sustained. We can attain a true weight through connecting to who we are and this can bring lasting change from the inside out.
Sex appeal of beautiful mature women – what exactly does that look like?!
Josephine Bell explores the choice women have to age gracefully while bringing true sexy back.
Plastic surgery, designer vaginas & true beauty
Labiaplasty is on the rise with the most dramatic increase in procedures amongst young women. The insatiable quest to be beautiful is reaching new extremes. Where is the true Beauty?
The space beyond time
The demands of time can feel like an immovable fact of life that rules most people’s lives. But what if there was a greater, more wholesome way to live?
Watching sport
Is watching sport harmless and ‘just a bit of fun’? Or is something more harming going on?
What are we taking off and where from – when we take time off?
Have you ever taken time off to rest, or recover, or deal with life’s stresses? If so, did you find that whatever you did on those days helped you feel rejuvenated and ready to go?
The Lifesaver
We all love a good rescue story, but is it really possible to save another person?
Leadership – a trance no longer
Much has been written about leadership and this book offers a whole new angle – leadership and love, but how do they go together?
Sweeping sensitivity under the carpet
Do we as men ignore our awareness at the expense of our bodies, our tenderness and connection to our true selves and if so, what are the consequences?
Are we trading sex for love?
We live in a society where sex is often used as a measure of our worth and proof that we are loved. But if it was as straightforward as that, why are so many people in romantic relationships feeling empty and loveless?
Fluttering eyes
What does the new phenomenon of big false eyelashes reveal about young women and their body image?
The sleep deprived world
What happens during the hours we sleep? Is it the body, the so-called ‘meat suit’ we are in – our organs, blood, muscles – that is the beneficiary of the rest, or is there more to it?
Good girl or nice girl
There are good girls and there are nice girls: are you going to be a good girl, or are you going to be a nice girl?
The nurturing aspect of preparing a meal
We prepare food every day. Do we consider that the way we prepare food affects how that food nurtures us?
Developing a love affair with reactions
Reactions don’t need to be seen as the enemy when they tell us about how we are experiencing life …. What are our reactions telling us about ourselves and other people?
If my self-care is on point, why don’t I feel great?
So, you’ve got your self-care routine nailed, but you feel exhausted, anxious, out of sorts, reactive or your relationship is not on track. Perhaps something is missing...
The entrapment of circulation energy
How are we choosing to live? Are we searching for, absorbing and repeating information, or are we being guided by our own innate wisdom?
Self-care through the power of reflection
Could the quality of self-care change the quality of your life? One woman realised that life can be full and enriching if you are willing to say yes to all that it can be.
The Yoga of Stillness – what is that?
What is yoga? What is stillness? And what is the sum total when the two qualities are put together?