A Philosopher’s guide to creation
Life is like a box of chocolates . . . or is it? Read on and you may just be surprised what’s on the menu.
Appreciating the wisdom, truths and universal laws we are all from . . . as presented in the books by Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon’s purple books uncover a universal understanding and way of being, forever holding and allowing us to deepen our connection to the divine and Soul.
Who’s the man?
As men do we really know ourselves; do we want to, or are we just distracting ourselves from life and who we truly are?
Our acceptance of the food industry – supply by any means
The food industry is abundant in quick, easy, processed food, often at the cost to our health, but all to supply our demand.
Your best medicine?
Love is something that we all crave; we all want to be loved and to love back in return. Could love be our best medicine?
There is no such thing as an ‘alternative’ to medicine
‘Alternative medicine’ is a term that is often associated with many practices of variable efficacy, questionable ethics and sensibility. Many doctors do not recommend that people seek assistance for their health care only in ‘alternative medicine’, as the results are variable.
The great cycle of Motion and Repose
Absolutely everything, known and unknown, physical and non-physical, in three-dimensions and beyond, is following a grand law integral to all.
Learning to breathe my own breath again
When you are out of rhythm and breathing does not happen automatically, when you catch yourself repeatedly either holding your breath or breathing very flatly, what do you do?
Diving beneath our reasons to drink
When I was younger, I was like everyone else I knew – I enjoyed good food, wine and beer regularly, and I drank much more at the occasional dinner or night out with friends. I chose to believe that a glass of wine or a beer or two each evening was good for me.
Gut instinct – is it true or just your bugs talking?
Have you considered where our ‘gut feelings’ come from – where is their root, and how do they develop?
An employer’s dream - technology to predict employee behaviour
Technology to predict employee decisions may appear like a dream come true, but what if you could already do this yourself?
I am no one’s Sindy Doll
The transformations that can happen when you make your life first about truth before making it about pleasing other people
Self-Care: The quality in which we move
Everyday life can be a part of self-care when we introduce and focus on the quality of our movements.
Nutritional Dogma – Food rules or loving impulse?
When we categorise foods and diet into ‘good’ and ‘bad’, are we truly supporting ourselves or creating restrictions and dogma?
Drinking alcohol is not good for you . . . trust me, I’m a doctor
I am a doctor, so I cannot show you my face or use my name on this article, but I wanted to write it to bring home the point that drinking alcohol really is not good for you.
Smoking dope (marijuana)
Marijuana came into my life as a relief from the feeling of tiredness through lack of sleep and a continual bombardment of thoughts and the feeling of everything coming in on me. I was not happy, work was drudgery and I was after an escape from this cell that was my life.
Self-Care: the key to success in University
There is much more to academic success than top marks.
Playing it safe with social marijuana use
I didn’t grow up with social marijuana use; I didn’t feel drawn to it and I didn’t really come across it until I started to go out to parties in my late teens. At age 17, I met my first bong at a back-yard party…
Gentle exercise for cancer support
A gentle exercise program that is adapted to the individual can offer many health benefits as a cancer support for people going through chemotherapy treatment and/or radiation therapy.
Food as a pacifier
Have we been using food as a pacifier since we were babies? Is this contributing to weight issues such as obesity and diabetes and our ability to live well and be vital?