Opening my heart to love again
Your heart can lead the way in life . . . read this man's account of his life and how the way he lived it nearly killed him, and how his heart brought him back home
Space, God, Purpose and human existence
Is life on Earth about money, possessions and wealth or are we here to evolve, to become everything we can be?
The Merchant of Venice and the ancient grudge
Is The Merchant of Venice ‘the most scandalously problematic of Shakespeare’s plays’, or a powerful, comical, vivacious, colourful expose of the turbulent state of division in which humanity still chooses to live to this current day?
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Female leaders and the importance of a woman’s importance
Inspired much by female leaders? What’s stopping us – pay gap aside – from realising the importance of a woman’s own importance and her worth in the workplace?
The identification of dealing drugs
Growing up, drugs were never really spoken about; they were considered bad and for those who did not achieve much in life. Yet among my extended family, drug use was commonplace.
Clairsentience – our ancient birthright for everyday life
Move over energy drinks and get the real deal – clairsentience
From choosing to be invisible to letting myself be seen
‘When I first started working in the fashion industry I worked as an invisible person. I would produce work that was highly recognised but no one knew who I was.’
Cannabis, Marijuana or Marihuana: a drug by any name . . .
Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It comes from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Other names for it are marijuana, marihuana, grass, pot, weed, mull, hash, dope...
Gentle Breath – a game changer
Connecting to the breath and choosing to make it gentle can enhance the quality of your day.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – A man’s perspective
This in depth article looks at the facts as well as the factors that contribute to this global crisis for women.
Can Universal Medicine Therapies cure cancer?
Universal Medicine Therapies offer no cure. Read on to find out what a cure actually is and why these therapies have no interest in or purpose to offer that.
It is never about alcohol
Most drinkers believe a little of alcohol is OK, but is it OK to not be who you truly are?
Current ‘self-care’ fads – do they really work?
Do populist self-care strategies in the workplace actually work, or do they just further add to our already full schedules; our various lists of tasks, goals, aspirations and resolutions?
Work – the binding factor in our society
Do you know that feeling of not wanting to go to work? Have you ever questioned why this is the case and what impact it has on your life?
Best Mother’s Day gift ever!
The best Mother’s Day gift ever is unwrapping the roles and expectations we put on ourselves as women when it comes to mothering. The perfect mother is not just an ideal, it’s an impossibility, but what’s the alternative to trying to make everyone around you happy?
Is sugar really a poison?
Is sugar really a poison? Best answered by discovering what happens to you when you don’t have it for a while …
How love benefits your health
Love is who we are – it is our natural essence. Allowing love to flow in our body can be the strongest, most effective medicine in this world.
God doesn’t take sides
Most would agree it is petty to ‘play favourites’, so how can we even begin to entertain the notion that God favours a chosen few?
‘All that glitters’ … design trends, latest fashion and our self-worth
Is it possible that we are actually caught in this culture or cycle of having the latest and the greatest, the newest and the fastest, the hottest & the sexiest and it’s not actually what we truly want – or who we truly are?