Exhaustion and burnout ... let's take responsibility
Can we really blame work for us feeling exhausted and burnt out? Or is there more to the stresses and challenges of modern day working life that we can actually take responsibility for and not feel so exhausted.
Always hungry for more?
Addresses the endless drive to eat to satisfy our never ending hunger and how we put a stop to that.
Menstruation and menstrual cycles – more than just inconvenient bleeding?
You’ve likely recorded your menstrual cycle on a calendar just to know when it’s due next right? But have you ever reflected on and recorded how you feel on and around your period ...
Women Speak 101
Do we discover what it truly means to be a woman from the outside or have the answers to all our questions about what a true woman is actually been inside us all along?
Our essence is who we truly are
Feeling exhausted at work? Here's a few reasons why ...
Feeling exhausted and craving sugar and coffee at work? What about letting go of expectations and accepting things the way they are?
Why is gentleness important?
Being gentle is the first and a very important step that takes us from a way of life that has conditioned us to be hard and tough, to re-connecting us back to who we are, our natural way of being and knowing that we are by nature, gentle, loving and very delicate.
Free Gentle Breath Meditations® download library
An introduction to the free Gentle Breath Meditation®.
Is there more to vision than meets the eye?
Would it be accurate to say, ‘True seeing is receiving’ and that we feel first before our eyes confirm what we have felt? Or do we feel first and instantly dismiss what has been received because it doesn’t fit our pictures, expectations and needs?
How harmless is our practice as a mental health professional?
As a mental health professional we have a responsibility to ensure that in our practice we do no harm to our clients. But what does this mean beyond the obvious basics?
Does life really have to be so complex?
The Situation - review
Have we exchanged our magnificent humanness and the riches of heaven for lives of individual self-gain, competition and drudgery, ruled by entitlement, ownership, effort and knowledge?
Feeling like a fake
Let’s turn imposter syndrome on its head
The stomach is the centre of individuality
Before the supply there is the demand and the food industry bends over backwards to please, satiate and pre-empt the next wave of our gargantuan appetites – but how do our bodies handle what we impetuously demand?
My leap out of spirituality and back to the truth
I reconnected to the Ageless Wisdom and there is indeed inside us all an 'infinite well of wisdom' that is awaiting re-ignition.
What it is to be a sexy, sassy, spunky woman
Can we be sexy, sassy, spunky women at any age? How a young woman inspires another woman to go from being Miss Angry to deeply loving and knowing herself, and becoming the sexy, sassy, spunky woman she is.
Mirror, mirror
Do you need to change the way you look to fit into a social group or workplace? Or is there more to what you see in the mirror?
Are they men’s health magazines, or just more toxic masculinity?
Magazines on men’s health are pushing an unhealthy lifestyle whist doing nothing to address what is really going on with men’s health.
Building relationships based on true intimacy and love
What have we set as our definition of intimacy, and who is and isn’t included in those parameters?
Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness – volume III
Only a lived way delivers the truth we so desperately need. For inspiration and insight, here are 717 pages of lived wisdom; keep on reading …