The Double Slit Experiment and what it means for all of us
Have you ever heard of the Double Slit Experiment? Whether you have or not, are you curious to know what it is and what it means for all of us?
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
When work hurts
Emotional hurts at work happen every day, but what harm are they really doing to everyone in the workplace, and how can that sometimes hidden protagonist be uncovered and healed?
Understanding human nature
Serge Benhayon has opened up my eyes and my heart to a profound and all-encompassing understanding of human nature – why we think and behave the way we do. Since meeting Serge Benhayon I have gradually reconciled this inner anguish and now embrace life in full.
Moving in harmony
There is something important to understand about the quality of our movements. Find out in our Audio of the Month for July 2019.
The deepest form of intimacy
Our Audio of the Month for June 2019 reveals how the key to experiencing true intimacy has nothing to do with taking off our clothes and everything to do with understanding ourselves.
Comparison: the unspoken side of being pregnant, giving birth and mothering
Being pregnant, giving birth and mothering are usually much anticipated and regarded as special parts of many women’s lives. But rather than enjoying this period, women are often left feeling unsettled and unfulfilled, yet find it hard to work out why.
Living yoga at work – a recruiter’s tale
How do you do yoga at work without your yoga mat and poses? As Zofia Sharman, executive recruiter shares from her interview experiences, there is only one thing needed to enjoy union wherever you might be.
The new conversation and the dangers of circulation energy
What if the expansive future of education lay in our hands and voices, free from the imposition of past thought and expression?
Are weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery the answer to weight loss for obesity?
This article questions whether weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery are the answers to weight loss and obesity, or do we need more individual responsibility?
The self-care ‘diet’
How the humble pie of “self-care” can be the answer to the Western world’s obesity epidemic.
There is nothing more sexy than making love
I used to think I was pretty sexy… but I have come to learn that there is nothing more sexy than making love…
Natalie Benhayon: Redefining what it is to be a powerful woman
A woman shares how Natalie Benhayon busted through all her ideals and beliefs about what it is to be a strong and powerful woman.
Love is Love: Gender and the truth in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
Twelfth Night is a dark, bittersweet comedy about Love. Shakespeare pulls the plug on the folly of human behaviour that we subscribe to when it comes to gender, love, and desire . . . all of which we have imagined love to be but which actually sets us up to keep love at bay.
Coffee: Do I love it, or do I need it?
I used to love coffee. Drinking coffee was the only way I thought I could get through each day, as I was working too hard, on not enough sleep.
Sun Shining Through
Looking outside for the ‘fix’ in life, to relieve the tension between her and the world, only to find it through connecting to the stillness within.
Who do you move for?
Slumped in grumpy posture or standing bursting with joy… what comes first – how we feel or how we move?
Nostalgia and regret – where is the love?
The ideal of romantic love – does it set us up for regret and nostalgia that could stunt our true love for all?
From being a good mother to true mothering
Mothering from a place of comfort, while seemingly ‘comfortable’, is not comfortable. So what does this even mean?
The first time I heard my favourite band
The day that music changed my life, my friends and my whole world view. Read how Simon’s life changed when, as a teenager, he discovered his favourite band.