Self-care – the gift of you
Is self-care simply caring for yourself, or is there a greater gift on offer? If so, why is taking care of yourself no longer enough, and what has true self-care to offer?
Plato was a student of Socrates and part of the Pythagorean lineage. To this day, his famous Allegory of the Cave still inspires philosophers and students across the globe with its wisdom and truth about the way humanity is living.
The lost science of the stars
When Science threw Astrology out, we were left with the pointless, dry science of Astronomy. Can we save the day and bring these two together again within ourselves?
Being my own masterpiece
From living a life in parts to living in harmony
Breast cancer awareness month – is there more to current breast awareness?
Beyond thinking pink there is something women can do that deeply affects our breasts, their quality and our overall health and it’s free: self-nurturing.
A simple experiment – a huge fact
Heart Disease is the number 1 killer for men, and stress is attributed as being one of its greatest contributors. But what is underneath our stress, and is it perhaps more self-induced than we realise? Otto Bathhurst undertakes a most interesting experiment.
Music – much more than meets the ear
When we understand the power of music and its effect on our body we realise there is far more to discern than how it sounds to the ear.
Scientific shaky ground
Mainstream published science is experiencing a crisis in credibility with a large number of high profile cases of scientific fraud recently surfacing.
Feeling the blues … to being depressed … to shining the light
No longer need we be a victim of low mood or even depression; as we begin to make choices that we know and can feel are loving for our bodies, then our minds will take care of themselves.
God. It’s a Science.
Do you consider that God and Science are two separate things? Or are they one and the same?
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Exercise Audio
This series of free audios looks at what sort of exercise our body would really like if asked. You might be surprised at the answer!
Fanning the Flames of Cancer
This article highlights the work of Dr Fettke and Dr Mercola as they, and others expose fructose, carbohydrates, processed foods as direct contributors to cancers, diabetes and many forms of ill-health.
Integrity in the midst of the house of lies... The Way of The Livingness
In the midst of our current global crisis, and the multitude of lies and corruption of our society, there is a most powerful example of a loving, healthy and productive way of life that sections of the Media, on the basis of a personal vendetta with no investigation, have wantonly slandered. Why is this?
The struggle we create
There is a certain man for whom struggle is part of getting ahead in life. “If you don’t have to struggle for something, it’s not worthwhile.” For others, the struggle is just an inevitable part of life. Does it need to be this way? Is it simply a choice?
Addicted? Who? Me?
How many of us have said, ‘I’m addicted to my morning coffee’, ‘Got to get my news fix for the day,’ ‘Sex – just got to have it’? Our relationship with addiction has become a fashionable commodity; lets cut out the middle-man and get to what we are really craving.
Changing your life
Changing your life usually means trying to achieve an ideal however if we stop and connect with who we truly are, we may find that instead of changing or striving, we can simply BE who we already are from within.
Ridicule is a serious and endemic problem in modern science.
Serge Benhayon – a man who presents the truth
Is it possible that truth can be presented in an all-encompassing, universal way that is applicable to all and yet totally relevant and practical for each one of us? Read one woman’s testimony to Serge Benhayon as a man who presents the truth.
Confessions of a meditation junkie
Read a former mediation junkie’s guide to the best 5 meditations not to try.