Popularity versus Truth
From very young we sense there is a choice – to be ‘popular’, be rewarded, accepted and be part of human life, or to hold the truth of who we are and the love that we come from.
Abuse – A matter in our own hands
Abuse – a matter in our hands: is it possible that the choices we make in our everyday life impact all of society? And if so, can we start to make different choices?
Harmlessness and movement
Patanjali’s teaching of non-harm is a well known precept in the yoga world. But what if we take a deeper dive here and study the unseen harm and its very real effects that impact all of us globally and in every moment.
How noble is the Nobel Prize?
We look up to those who win global awards like the Nobel Prize. But what truly lies behind the choices of the winners, and what does this tell us about how we value these competitions?
Coming out – what does this truly mean?
What does the term ‘Coming out’ truly expose in our society? Who decides what is normal?
Being a woman is more than being a mother
All this influenced the way I saw myself as a woman, and I identified with being a mother as an intrinsic part of what it meant to be a woman.
“I’m Coming Out!”
“I never felt the need to stand up and claim my gay crown for all to see, it really wasn’t a big deal for me. Why do I have to confess to something that in my body felt natural?”
The sparkler effect
Sparklers can evoke joyful memories of childhood. But is it possible that something deeper is symbolised by their ignition?
I can’t change that
If you think you can’t change your weight and shape, reading this may change your mind.
Young men and the pressure around sex
Why do young boys feel that they know nothing when it comes to sex, yet it appears everyone else around them knows it all? In this audio three men discuss the pressures they faced when it came to having sex for the first time.
What does school look like?
Could it be that the greatest education that can be gained in the world takes place well beyond the confines of any one school?
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2020
The ‘year’ 2020 translates to the number 4 in Esoteric Numerology. In its most basic understanding, 4 is the number of foundations. Thus, 4 represents Foundations. It is also the number of incarnation, relationship with nature, harmony, the world and the planet.
Green smoothie
Cleansing, light and refreshing, this healthy green smoothie will leave you and your body feeling nourished and ready for the day. A delicious and nutritious drink as it is, or use it as a base and add any of your favourite ingredients.
How much of what I do is truly me?
Our September 2020 Audio of the Month looks at a tension we all live under and questions how true we are to who we truly are.
The impact of the human voice
Our Audio of the Month for August 2020 looks at the subject of abuse and how we can feel physically knocked by words.
An exploration of leering
Objectifying women has been part of men’s lifestyle for eons, to the detriment of men’s relationships with women and themselves.
I may not be a scientist, but I’ve always been a why-entist
What if all we truly needed to gain a better understanding of ourselves, others and the world we live in was to simply nurture that innate curiosity we engendered as a child, and begin to use the interrogative word WHY to bring a deeper understanding to the true nature of our reality?
The divine life of Francis Bacon
In Renaissance England, Francis Bacon worked for James I as Lord Chancellor (1618), the top position of government in the realm. How did he manage to live in an immensely grounded way, earthing the Light of Hierarchy, within the corrupt and duplicitous echelons of state?
Turning a blind eye to suicide
Why are the devastating numbers of death by suicide not making front page and news headlines everywhere, every single day? Does it have to be someone we actually love for it to affect and shock us into seeing the reality of how great an issue death by suicide really is?
Yoga and the five ingredients of heaven
Yoga simply means union with God. Our Audio of the Month for May 2020 reveals the five ingredients of heaven that we can live in our everyday life to experience the joy of that union.