The impact of the human voice
The impact of the human voice
"Our essence knows what is abuse on the basis that our essence is innately informed on what energetically constitutes harmony and hence what has violated it. Thus, do not let any other set that standard of what is abuse if you know in your inner-most that it has occurred."
Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness, Volume III, ed 1, p 93
Have you ever experienced feeling hit by someone’s words?
This short audio shares with us how we all know what abuse is but how often that knowing gets overridden even if our bodies and senses are crying out differently.
The impact of the human voice
When speech becomes a violation and the abuse we allow no different to a physical punch.
"Greater than ‘freedom of speech’ is freedom from abuse. And I mean any form of it, verbal or otherwise. If this truth is not our foremost foundation, then kiss goodbye any truth in the prized words ‘freedom of speech’ for they will be a licence to abuse at will and with no hesitation or shame of the harm caused."
Serge Benhayon Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness, Volume III, ed 1, p 176
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