That’s entertainment? Wired for distraction
Entertainment? We increasingly plug in to an incessant supply of entertainment/distraction fuelling an insatiable demand to ‘fill the space’ in our lives. But who is the real Goliath in this tale?
An intelligence that, perhaps, is not so intelligent
An Open Letter to Humanity – A testimonial by Kerstin Salzer.
Bullying and suicide in construction – does building culture need to change?
Building industry culture encourages men to be hard, tough and strong. From the time men enter the industry as an apprentice, they often feel they have no choice but to enjoin this macho culture. Bullying is commonplace. Could this culture be contributing to the unusually high suicide rates in the building industry.
Heaven’s Joy
The band ‘Heaven’s Joy’ began to play together a few years ago after years of experience in the music industry playing with various artists. Their amazing new album ‘Love Is Who We Are ’ is available through www.heavensjoyfullmusic.com
World Voice Day – our voice reveals everything about us
Do you know that your voice reveals our state of being? Your voice carries a detailed read-out that can be easily discerned when we between the lines and feel the essence of the message being spoken, sung, even whispered!
Grey suits and lab coats – science is in need of a new renaissance
Science in the western world was once under the control of the Catholic Church. Now it is controlled through finance by government funding agencies, bottom lines and avoidance of risk by private organisations. What effect is this having on the practice of science?
Red Shift – life in an expanding Universe
The Universe is expanding. We know this is so because of a phenomenon called red shift. What does this mean to ordinary people like you and I?
The greatest tool a human being can have in life is the capacity for wonderment. It goes hand-in-hand with innocence, and the capacity to observe life with complete openness, free of preconceived notions, knowledge, sophistication and the greatest impediment to science there is: the need to be right.
One plus one equals three
Is modern science knowledge or gnosis? What about God?
Living life fully and simply
A testimonial by Susan Lee on Serge Benhayon’s book The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy.
Serge Benhayon – a shepherd of light
Some people walk into your life, and without doing anything other than being themselves, with the ability to uplift and inspire you to transform your life. Serge Benhayon is one such person for me.
Warzone kitchens: Michelin stars, gender equality and fire in our bellies
We like to dine out and have food professionally cooked for us – as a treat after a busy week, or to celebrate an occasion. But what really makes a top quality meal?
Women – let’s be honest with ourselves!
On International Women’s Day we present why women override what they know deep down to be true and instead choose to play one of the many roles available to them.
Fixing or healing – which do you choose?
Explore the difference between seeking to be fixed or to truly heal. How we understand illness and disease influences our response to it – if we see it as something that just happens to us then we are reliant on the medical system to fix us, whereas if we see it as related to how we are living then we know we can also take steps to heal from within.
The taxing problems of diabetes
Diabetes and other lifestyle related disorders are reaching epidemic proportions with massive cost and health consequences. It comes down to dealing with our hurts.
Why I overeat – Nutella and I
What leads us to overeat and choose the foods that we do? Is there a payoff for something we don’t want to look at or feel? Read Sandra’s journey and what happened when she chose awareness over numbing herself with food.
Time and our perception of it
What if time itself doesn’t move? Serge Benhayon asks us to consider that a tension is created in our body when we try to keep up with something that we have perceived as getting away from us. Could this explain why so many of us have an issue with time?
Sugar in salty food – piquant flavour or dastardly mix?
We think we decide how much sugar we eat, but we get extra sugar hidden in salty foods and nearly every drink we have. Salt and sugar mixtures give an exciting taste in the mouth – but this excitement has its price: we numb what we feel. Salt and Sugar – a dastardly mix!
Living religion: a relationship with self, love and God
I used to hate religion and now I love it. Religion for me is fundamentally about love. My religion means taking responsibility for myself, my life and my choices in the knowing that I have within me much more power than I ever realised – and knowing that it starts with my relationship with me.
The train wreck we call ‘art’: music and our responsibility as a global family
Defending music at all costs as the reality of a life is ignored – how did this become ok? On Mary Forsberg’s letter about the life and death of rock star Scott Weiland.