The marriage of Modern-day Medicine and Esoteric Medicine
With the striking reality of a global health catastrophe imminent, is modern day Medicine alone the salvation that 7.7 billion people need if we are to sustain a healthy, joyful, loving global community? What is medicine that is ‘Universal’, and how can it bring greater wisdom to our growing dilemma?
Why spare time is not good for us
Most of us don’t have much spare time in December which could be a good thing! Find out why in our December 2017 Audio of the Month.
Can Universal Medicine Therapies cure cancer?
Universal Medicine Therapies offer no cure. Read on to find out what a cure actually is and why these therapies have no interest in or purpose to offer that.
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2013
This New Year’s message begins under the auguries of Esoteric Numerology to help further unfold the fact and importance of the new era we have commenced. Read on ...
Spending money and the evolution of supply and demand
Spending money influences the law of supply and demand. Is it possible that it is also evolutionary and healing too?
Understanding mental health from an esoteric perspective
Serge Benhayon speaks about mental health from an esoteric perspective
The study, revelation and prophecy
The ultimate ill is not the shifting of the people or the budget, but the mass movement of the ills in our homes. Should we therefore not be constantly questioning if the study of the end-effect in its current form is sufficient for the evolution of the planet and its 7.7 billion inhabitants?
Dating – It’s not about getting a partner
Are we missing out on the experience that dating offers by focussing on getting a partner as if it is the trophy, the end result of dating? What if there was so much more on offer if we allowed ourselves to not be looking at a ‘final destination’?
Mental health and the medicine of love
Mental ill health continues to be a global issue despite all the resources invested in prevention and treatment. What else is going on when good intentions and so much effort is directed to this area, but still the problems continue?
How the mood we move and exercise in affects our health
Ever considered how the mood you’re in during exercise effects your health? Here’s some great reasons to check in with how you’re feeling before you hit the gym or your daily workout.
Are we being affected more than we realise by the music we play or hear?
This revelatory audio reveals that the vibration of music carries an energy with it which is not only heard but also deeply vibrates through our body.
Supply and Demand of the sex robot
With a massive rise in porn and the billion dollar sex-tech industry, it’s time to look at why many of us are running from true intimacy and love with another. Why do we choose sex and stimulation over making love and evolution?
The future of dentistry
Never before has it been so simple to take care of our own teeth. Yet, given some very alarming statistics, how do we reconcile the enormous gap between what is technically possible and the level of actual dental health of the people?
Just wait ‘til your father gets home!
"Just wait ‘til your father gets home", a perfect illustration of the model of man we have created, but in being a father is there more of our tenderness we can let out?
Just joking
This article explores why men banter and joke with each other to avoid depth of intimacy between them. The game is to put someone down to mask your own insecurity.
Ageless Wisdom Audio
The Ageless Wisdom has always been with mankind but we have chosen not to heed it. Are we now ready to consider what it has long been offering us?
The New Year's Message For The New Era (2012)
It can be said that this year’s message is a message that will be very much alive and relative to and for the next 2600 years (approx.) Read on ...
Introduction to chronic pain management
Chronic pain is in epidemic proportions – in Australia 1 in 5 Australians live with chronic pain. Kate Greenaway, a physiotherapist, describes a fresh approach to pain management.
Karma and Akasha
Karma is not a punishment but a loving universal law and great science that helps us return to who we truly are.
UniMed Retreat
Introducing a taste of future life on Earth