Karma and Akasha
Karma and Akasha
Karma and Akasha are the Divine Laws of Love that we are all blessed to live under. They offer us corrective adjustments which we might not see as being a blessing if we are living in an irresponsible way, but they are there for the purpose of calling us back to the love that we truly are and or to confirm who we truly are, and never are they there as a punishment or judgement.
"1. Akasha – is the imprint of all intentions. It is the energetic quality that produces the drive behind any thought or action.
Serge Benhayon The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy, ed 1, p 283
2. Karma – is the energetic imprint that is created by the thought or action that follows that intention.
The above description is very basic, but it serves to give the student a clear and distinct understanding of the difference between Akasha and Karma. With this understanding in mind, one will know the fact that it is very possible to have Karma, but not Akasha in a non-Divine deed, but that the two must be in union for a Divine expression to take place. The latter refers to the fact that an aligned connection with one's soul inspires the thought that becomes the intention, that then becomes the Divine expression, and hence the fiery imprint."
A short introduction to karma
Karma is not an eye for an eye – so what is it?
The fact is that everything we do, say or think is energetically registered and has an impact regardless of whether we choose to be aware of this fact or not. Karma allows us to rebalance and make right any disharmony we are responsible for.
"It is totally irresponsible to even think that you can just do whatever you like and not be accountable for it. The truth is that – we live in a spherical five dimensional world and all in it must balance itself out in the end. The Law of Cause and Effect, which Karma and Akasha are a part of, in addition to the Law of Re-Birth, which is energetically entwined to it as are all other Divine Laws, are all there to help us, not scare or deter us from re-turning back to the Divine light we are equally from."
Serge Benhayon The Way of Initiation, ed 1, p 479
We often speak of karma in terms of it being ‘good karma’ or ‘bad karma’ and this invariably stems from our ingrained beliefs about what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’ aided by the belief that some have that we live under the ‘wrath of a vengeful God’.
However, nothing about the above has to do with love whilst karma is all about love.
The truth is we either heal or harm with our every thought or action. Which side of the equation we will express from depends entirely on which source of energy we have aligned to – all that love is, or all that it is not.
But there is more . . .
Our actions are not only about what we do and say but also about what we don’t do and don’t say, for those too are actions in the same manner such as holding back one’s truth and or speaking up.
If all this is too big a pill to swallow then you can begin to understand why we have allowed the corruption of these words to seep into our minds and dictionaries.
"It is utterly irresponsible to teach that Karma and Akasha are not part of every single moment in life, for they are the energetic imprints that record all intentions that manifest into all thoughts, speech, and action. It is far more empowering to teach this living energetic fact and of greater service to the greater all, and hence, man can take far more responsibility in all that he and she will do, say, and think, for it will affect him and her in every way and so too all those who live."
Serge Benhayon A Treatise on Consciousness, ed 1, p 278
Group karma of cancer
We have a responsibility to each and every person no matter where they live in the world. What affects one individual affects us all.
And in addition to Karma and Group Karma, we also have Karmic Cycles:
"Karmic cycles exist in the outer aura and are different in energy to the heavier and denser imprints of Karma. These smaller, more minor imprints are usually balanced very quickly, whereas Karma, on the other hand, can be entrenched deep in the spirit and present itself in the DNA from one life to the next. There is a distinct energetic difference between Karma and a Karmic Cycle. Both however, belong to the Law of Cause and Effect."
Serge Benhayon The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy, ed 1, p 212
The word karma comes from the Sanskrit word karma meaning ‘action, word, deed; fate’, from the Old Persian word kunautiy meaning ‘he makes’ and from the PIE root word *kwer – ‘to make, form’.
The word akasha comes from the Sanskrit word akasa meaning ‘aether’ (that which is non corporeal) and derived from the root word kāś meaning ‘to be visible’.
So we could say that quite simply, karma and akasha refer to our thoughts and deeds made visible in the sense that we never truly leave anything behind, especially if what we think we have ‘left behind’ (ignored) has harmed ourselves or any other in any way. By virtue of this great and loving Law we are forever offered the opportunity to return to these imprints and heal (reimprint) them. Or, if the thoughts and deeds were healing (from love) then it is this quality that will be expressed back (return) to us.
"A note of importance: Karma does not wait until something is proven in court or by science for that matter. Karma registers disharmony instantly. Forget not that Karma is the science of measuring the energetic imprints of all actions. It is a science that belongs to the Law of Cause and Effect. An action of any kind is either in harmony or disharmony – it cannot be both."
Serge Benhayon The Way of Initiation, ed 1, p 249
Teachings of Serge Benhayon presented and compiled by Nicola Lessing and Liane Mandalis
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