Marijuana and Me
My first experience with marijuana happened at the age of 15. The group of friends I hung out with all came from unhappy backgrounds, as did I, and so the alcohol that I’d begun drinking at 14 was never enough to quench my thirst so to speak and I wanted to try dope, as did my girlfriends.
Being a Sacred Esoteric Healing practitioner is not just for treatment rooms
A practitioner’s story of her work with Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Combining sacred esoteric healing with medicine
To truly heal illness and disease do we need more than conventional medicine alone?
Healing and The Livingness
A huge part of how we live is about healing. To heal, we need a modality and practitioner that will allow us to connect more and more deeply with ourselves. Sacred Esoteric Healing allows us to do exactly that.
Discovering the missing ingredient in my life
‘On the outside my life appeared to be successful and happy, but underneath I felt unsettled, like something was missing’. Lorraine shares how she rediscovered the missing ingredient that transformed her life.
From Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome to regular periods through Esoteric Healing
From Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, back ache and feeling sluggish, read how Jessica received a new lease on life through the Esoteric Modalities.
About Serge Benhayon
The first to teach about energetic integrity and energetic responsibility and the real effect this has on our life – Serge Benhayon’s readings inspire a true way of living for humanity. This short biography of Serge Benhayon introduces his remarkable life and works.
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message For 2014
Many use the ‘New Year’ period as a time to reflect - which can be a casual or deep consideration that leaves one truly contemplating what has occurred and what has not. Read on ...
Two years in The Livingness
How does a social butterfly reconnect to a depth of beauty and richness that no amount of socialising can bring? Read Kyveli’s story for inspiration of how simple it can be.
What is Esoteric Women's Health?
A summary of what is Esoteric Women's Health.
Why can’t we say ‘healing’ in conventional medicine?
Healing is something natural and innate, so why don’t doctors like or trust the word healing? Has the word ‘healing’ been bastardised?
Esoteric Yoga: union with me and God – at last
Looking for Union – I am often asked if I do yoga and my answer has been, “yes I do, but no, not in the way I used to practise and teach it”.
Serge Benhayon
Throughout the ages there have been those who have come to teach by their living way that we are so much more than human, that we are universal and an integral part of a grand, interconnected whole. The great teacher of the new era of Aquarius is Serge Benhayon.
A Healing Journey through Music: playing the cello and RSI
Why is RSI such a chronic problem among string players within the music world? Cellist Rebecca Turner turns around physical and emotional pain and re-invents her life in a remarkable healing journey.
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
Life after crutches
The amazing story of an older woman’s journey from searching for healing and needing all sorts of crutches to get through life, to learning that what she truly needed was connection to her own soul.
I realised there was another way to live my life
Joel’s experience discovering the Sacred Esoteric Healing modality and a new way of living and working.
My Addiction to Marijuana
How did this woman stop smoking marijuana after being addicted to it for 33 years? When even the diagnosis of breast cancer and having two young children was not enough to get her to stop?
Before and after: Rowena Stewart on her relationship with food
Rowena shares how her awareness around food and healing her hurts has completely changed her weight, shape and health.