From feeling anxious to meeting another in stillness
Are you anxious around other people? Read one woman’s experience of doing away with anxiousness in her day to day life.
Everything matters and true healing
Our September 2016 Audio of the Month shares why EVERYTHING matters and what that means to your health and everyday life.
Listening to your body
Your body is a constant companion in our life and is always in communication with us, so why do we find it so hard to listen to what it has to say?
Why don’t I feel well? Is illness or disease just a random event?
Why don’t we feel well? Is it random, or a curse, or is it a result of something we have done, and if so, do we have the power to change the way that we feel?
What is good medicine?
Good medicine is about living in a way that supports you as a whole.
It is important to understand what Prana is because used in the wrong way it causes great harm.
Symptom relief or healing?
Do we seek symptom relief or healing, and is there a difference?
Self-care – does it support us when we are sick?
Are we missing the point of illness when we try to get well? Are we missing a golden opportunity through the wisdom of our body?
Living with connection
If we only focus on the physical body we are missing a key ingredient in what it takes to be truly vital and well.
Reclaiming our mental health
Ill mental health has become the norm these days despite a concerted effort to find solutions. Isn’t it time that we broadened the scope of how we understand the whole concept of mental health and wellbeing?
Why do we eat what we eat?
What we eat, and why and when we eat, has another dimension than what is presented in the cooking shows and enticing packaging in the supermarket aisle.
Does a lack of self-worth in women result in the abuse of men?
We’ve heard a lot about men abusing women, but ladies – how does our lack of self-worth abuse men?
What is Chakra-puncture?
Chakra-puncture is a complementary healing modality that consists of needles applied very lightly to the skin to support energetic balance and order.
What’s self-love got to do with pregnancy and stillbirth?
Experiencing a stillbirth is difficult for women and those around them. Yet, healing from the experience may not as impossible as it seems.
Appreciation of some extraordinary men
Now thriving in his 64th year after having been written off as permanently incapacitated over 30 years ago, Chris James works full time as a presenter and musician and travels worldwide. What changed for him?
Our essence is who we truly are
Healing childhood sexual abuse: impact on pregnancy, birth & mothering
Motherhood presents women with opportunities way beyond simply having a baby. What gifts could true empowerment offer, especially for mothers who have experienced childhood sexual abuse?
Sore shoulders in women; are our bodies speaking to us?
What our shoulders (and their pain) tells us about ourselves and how we are ‘shouldering’ life.
Is disease just physical?
Have you ever wondered whether there was more to disease than just your physical body? Read on to find out.
Gestational diabetes mellitus - a nuisance or opportunity for growth?
Gestational diabetes mellitus is growing at a phenomenal rate … Imagine if gestational diabetes was viewed as a blessing in pregnancy and all pregnancy care around this condition supported women to see it as an opportunity for personal growth?