Self-nurturing women’s true inner beauty through self-connection
Definitions of beauty are commonly associated with appearances. But what if the true marker of women’s beauty and self-worth could be re-defined through the building of a deep inner-connection with ourselves?
I have a disease – can I feel well?
When you have a disease, can you feel ‘well’ or do you have to feel ‘sick’?
Yummy Gentle Breath Meditation®
Confessions of a drama queen
The rollercoaster ride of the drama queen approach to life can’t hold a candle to the power of our true presence! With top tips for creating steadiness instead of drama, this is a must read!
Reconnecting Gentle Breath Meditation®
Carers need self-care too
The first person that you need to take the time to care for . . . is you. One woman shares her experience of how important it is for carers to self-care first.
My leap out of spirituality and back to the truth
I reconnected to the Ageless Wisdom and there is indeed inside us all an 'infinite well of wisdom' that is awaiting re-ignition.
Saying no to dieting: Weight loss with awareness
Is dieting a mere distraction from exploring why we are carrying excess weight? Read how one woman lost weight once she refocussed on what was driving her actions.
Quality Building Gentle Breath Meditation®
The deepest form of prison
We have chosen an audio about choice for our September 2015 audio of the month. We are always making choices even if we are choosing not to make a choice. Will you choose to listen and find out more?
Is it really self-care?
Self-care is usually viewed as an opportunity to pamper or console ourselves every now and then, but why aren’t the effects lasting?
Have you tried all types of exercise but struggled to find an exercise routine that works for you? Could it be that we are approaching exercise from the wrong angle?
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
Dieting? Why willpower fails us
Dieting by willpower alone does not work. We need to address how our body informs our thinking – our state of physical well-being affects the way we think – a body that is tended and cared for, supports us to make better choices.
Anxious much?
Anxious much? How anxiety could be affecting your physical health and the one simple thing you can do about it.
From smoking marijuana to breathing life
The 70’s was the era of sex, drugs and rock‘n’roll, and there was plenty of it to go around. Getting stoned, going dancing and having sex with a stranger became the norm.
Serge Benhayon on meditation
Serge Benhayon, the founder of The Gentle Breath Meditation® reminds us that when we re-gather all of our parts together as one we have meditation. Taking this into our daily activity makes meditation an empowering way of life.
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
One of the most fundamental teachings one can ever be exposed to is the difference between spirit and Soul… so what is the difference?
Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to serving humanity delivering ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of life that serves all equally. His wisdom encompasses human existence in its entirety.